
If you're considering a new git hub project, I'd reccommend using the qa_refactor branch, it contains a significant number of bug fixes. ClassLoader and URI string handling perform very well also.



On 10/04/2014 7:17 PM, Rafał Krupiński wrote:
Dnia 2014-04-09, śro o godzinie 23:33 -0400, Greg Trasuk pisze:
Hi all:
Hi Greg,

Now I feel bad for not contributing my extensions to River, that I have
implemented for SORCER (nb open source on github).

We have our own ServiceStarter, historically based on River's and I
think I could contribute some patches based on that..
I also have some preliminary work on downloadable URLStreamHandlers, and
I'd be happy to contribute it to River once it's done.

The only problem is, I don't know anything about River's build process,
ant scripts, classanddepjar tuning and @Betas. It would be much easier
for me to contribute if River was mavenized. There was a discussion on
that, but it's dead now and I don't see that materializing into code
(maybe I don't know where to look).

Maybe the problem is that I wait for others to do the work instead of
doing it? Shall I start a new github project for mavenized river and
initiate the migration?


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