Are you literally claiming NP Completeness, or just using that as an analogy for really, really difficult?

On 2/11/2017 1:23 PM, Michał Kłeczek wrote:
I am sorry but I think that to solve various issues we need to make sure
fundamentals are right:

1. There is NO such a thing as "reflective non-smart" proxy - EVERY
proxy is "smart" (even if it is "reflective") - there is an
InvocationHandler down there, isn't there?
2. Solving this on service discovery level is trying to do it on the
WRONG level of abstraction. Services DEPEND on class loading - not the
other way around.
3. What you propose is a partial "solution". Not being able to register
"smart" event listeners means no custom endpoints for example
(UDPEndpoint anyone?)
4. Trying to squeeze partial solutions into the framework is IMHO a BIG
no no.
This is simply creating more code, more maintenance burden and more
headache for users trying to workaround "edge, unsupported cases".

Please - lets try to come up with the RIGHT solution that is going to
REALLY fix class loading issues.


Peter wrote:
In a word, ServiceDiscoveryManager

ServiceDiscoveryManager is the solution.

ServiceDiscoveryManager performs discovery and looks up services from
registrars based on filters.  ServiceDiscoveryManager then performs
local filtering.  This allows time for proxy bundles to be installed,
resolve, started and confirmed type compatible, prior to them being
made available (via OSGi service registry if you so desire) for client

The new interfaces that are part of JGDMS that I'd like to see their
way into River, found here:

ServiceCodebaseAccessor is also used as part of secure discovery, but
the codebase string and certs are transferred as primitives over the

In this case codebase annotations don't need to be included in the
stream, the JERI endpoints don't need them at all.

How so?

We can use ServiceItemFilter and ProxyPreparer to install, resolve and
start out proxy codebase, before downloading the proxy.  The
interfaces listed above allow an array bootstrap proxy's
(java.lang.reflect.Proxy) to be obtained from SafeServiceRegistrar.

Firstly the bootstrap proxy's JERI endpoint will be loaded in the
ServiceDiscoveryManager's ClassLoader, so after we've retrieved the
codebase annotation and signers, created a bundle for the proxy,
resolved it's dependencies (via OSGi resolution and repository
services), we need to remarshall the bootstrap proxy into a
MarshalledInstance, then unmarshall it using the ClassLoader of the
recently started proxy bundle.  Then when we cast the bootstrap proxy
to ServiceProxyAccessor and retrieve the smart proxy, it will be
loaded into the same ClassLoader that the bootstrap proxy uses, our
newly provisioned and loaded bundle (the correct ClassLoader) without
need to serialize any annotations, then the smart proxy can have
constraints applied etc and be registered as an OSGi service with the
OSGi registrar, where client code can interact with the remote proxy.

Now if public Serializable classes that are imported by the proxy's
bundle (service api) or private classes in the proxy's bundle can be
deserialized and the JERI endpoint has a reference to the ClassLoader
of the proxy.

This should be good enough so we don't require the "bundle stack"
proposed earlier, which also saves the need to explain it and
simplifies the solution (the intent of the bundle stack was to allow
deserialization of private classes within other bundles whose packages
have been imported by the proxy).

The client won't be able to pass a smart proxy to the service (like a
Listener), but it can still pass a non smart proxy and it will still
function.  So clients can still export their own remote service
(albiet without a codebase, excluding smart proxy's), but it'll be
good enough for a listener etc.



On 8/02/2017 1:09 PM, Niclas Hedhman wrote:
Maybe there are some misunderstanding somewhere... see below;

On Wed, Feb 8, 2017 at 3:35 AM, Peter<>  wrote:
I'm currently only considering OSGi server ->  OSGi client.  Mick's
investigating all four options.

Ok, makes it a lot easier for me to follow.

Not expecting the client calling bundle to resolve everything, hence
stack, so we have the full visibility of the bundle of the class
that was
last resolved, so we can resolve its fields from it's bundle.  Eg it
might import packages the client does not.
What is "client calling bundle"? I assume that it is the bundle that
contains the service lookup...

First of all, is the OSGi integration intending to be at "OSGi service
level" ? If so, the Jini support bundle(s) in OSGi, will monitor Jini
service registrations and register those in the local OSGi registry
and all
clients would end up being rather ignorant about the remote lookup.
It is
also possible to "be involved" in the service lookup (and registration)
through the Service Hook API (I might got the name of it wrong), so that
only when services are requested or service listeners are registered,
the Jini support kick in. And this can therefore work both ways...

So, that said; I agree that the "client calling bundle" does not resolve
anything. And I would go further and say; IF the client calling bundle
looks up Jini services directly, all bets are off. This introduces some
workable constraints of what could happen.

The "exact version" thing (only applies to the proxy bundle as we
expect the framework to load its deps) can be relaxed to compatible
versions to increase class sharing if you think it helps.  The proxy
doesn't export anything at the client, only the server, it just
seems to
make sense to keep the latest proxy communicating in case that last
bug fix release addresses a security issue.  All proxy classes are
implementation only classes.
Yes, correct. The 'temporary' proxy bundle should not export any

Because the proxy bundle manifest declares version import ranges,
I'm expecting the framework to favour already loaded bundles to
satisfy package import deps.
Uhhhh... The OSGi framework doesn't "auto load" bundles. It is an
step. There are many "bundle loaders" around, such as Apache Karaf
"Features" and "deploy/" directory. Most frameworks can also be
to load bundles at boot. So there is no "favor already loaded
bundles". If
there is no bundle satisfying the Import-Package, the bundle being
will not go to RESOLVED state. If there are many bundles (quite typical)
satisfying an Import-Package, with all its additional contraints
attributes, uses, ...), then you enter the NP-complete problem that
mentioned, finding a combination of wiring that satisfy as many
bundles as
possible. This is a problem mainly due to "uses" (since we seldom use
attributes), where graphs of types must end up matching in the class

See (especially) section 3.7 in OSGi 6.0 Core Specification. If
anyone can
get their head around those details in the first pass, it is you
Peter. Not
easy reading...

If the client is matching service api with the correct import package
version ranges (requirements defined by entry's), the proxy bundle
should find the service api and other imported packages are already
loaded.  Eg the client may use the requirements to use the resource
service or whatever the new bundle repository standard service is
called now to preload the requirements.  The client may also perform
upgrades before downloading a service.
I think this is a misunderstanding as well. By doing what I wrote in the
beginning (listen on Jini Service Registrations and register "something"
(Remote proxy or a local proxy) in the OSGi registry) then the client
bundle doesn't need to know anything. Also, the Jini support bundle gets
plenty of information both from the OSGi Registry as well as the Jini
Registry. So, when something disappears from Reggie, remove it from the
local Registry and vice versa.

Now, the deserialization of the Reggie proxy should detect version
and update a cache. And I think that Paremus idea of "Bundle Garbage
Collection" is sound, but something for later discussion. Point
being; No
need to figure out what can and can not be unloaded. ALSO, since OSGi
mandates intermittent service availability, most OSGi applications are
reasonably capable to handle that the Jini service will "disappear"
and is
required to release any held references to the object(s) so that
regular GC
can toss out the classes and classloader when bundle is unloaded.

In the majority of cases I don't think there's going to be much state
in the smart proxy that can't be loaded via the smart proxy bundle
and it's package imports, except for the odd handback, which the
client bundle should have the opportunity to resolve before
resorting to using an annotation.
Sorry, I don't understand this statement.

I'm not quite ready to agree it's too complex and it's unsolveable, I
think we should at least explore it and understand it before we junk
the idea of supporting OSGi.
If we are talking osgi<->osgi, I think there is reasonable chance to

Rather than utilise the Java2 class  loading I was planning to cast
ClassLoaders to BundleReference where appropriate and utilise
the Bundle.
My gut says that this is not needed, if you go with my initial
proposal. A
Jini support bundle ends up having access to the BundleContext, from
everything else can be reached.

I did notice you're interpretation  of what I've written is
different than
mine, so I think I need to put some effort into communicating more
effectively.  I think you're interpretation  of codebase annotation
"version is fixed" ignores that the annotation is only consulted after
determining that the current class is not available in our Bundles
currently participating in deserialization.   It doesn't apply to
imported packages as annotations aren't used for them at all.
OR, I have been burned in class resolution in OSGi enough times to
have a
feeling that it is more difficult than it seems. Any simple example I
think of would work...

For example, the first class we attempt to resolve during unmarshalling
belongs to a smart proxy, the client Bundle can't find the class.
Ask the
framework to load the proxy bundle from the codebase annotation, it
does so and resolves all necessary package imports declared in its
manifest.  We now continue deserializing the smart proxy class fields
with the visibility of the smart proxy's bundle.  The smart proxy may
contain fields referencing objects resolved from its imports, we ensure
those classes deserialize their fields with the visibility of their own

So, the smart proxy's "bundle" is a bundle on the server side as
well? The
smart proxy may also contain objects that are of a class that is not
visible... And it may be N levels deep from the "field" in the smart

Every time we can't  resolve a class we first check if it's a handback
or parameter from a preceeding object in the graph, thus we walk
our graphs bundle stack.
This is probably the bit I don't understand at all. On one hand you
want to
depend on OSGi framework to do the resolution, but OTOH you have
called a "bundle stack"? What is that?

If we still haven't resolved a class only then do we load a bundle from
it's codebase annotation url and check it can be cast to the field
before assigning it.  If it can't be cast to that field, we throw an

"assigning it"?  Doesn't the code in reality looks something like;

private Map map;

private void readObject( ObjectInputStream in ) {
     map = (Map) in.readObject();

where the read object may be of a class not visible to neither the smart
proxy's classloader nor any helper? Maybe you meant that it will
thrown just by the above code.

In the case of a non smart proxy, there is no codebase, deserialization
will be loaded by and  rely completely on the visibility of the client
I think OSGi will be a lot less dependant on annotations than say a std

Possibly... I think that largely depend on the usecase.

Still I guess wiring may be an an option, so as Michael suggests,
annotate objects with their wiring graphs.

Ok, here is what I see being the issue at hand; you think that it is
possible to delay the bundle resolution of packages until
itself. I think that is not possible. There is a need to bring all
"non-available classes" into the client (and I think as a bundle is the
correct solution). So, pick up the bundle reference of the smart
proxy, and
the bundle wiring graph of it. When the smart proxy arrives on the
before doing anything else, load the bundles on the client. After
that, it
should be a "local JVM" problem, both to deserialize the smart proxy as
well as every object communicated over the network.

What would we be considering if we hadn't been pre exposed to codebase
Standard deserialization uses one classpath, each bundle has its own
unique classpath.

It is not only about classpath. It is about class space and
visibility as
well. And serialization needs to bypass visibility, just like it
other constraints before (such as bypassing constructors and
final fields), and that is a separate issue than the bundle loading

Niclas Hedhman, Software Developer  - New Energy for Java

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