Also see the OSGi Enterprise specification, v6, Chapter 136, page 691, there's some discussion about the NP-complete nature of dependency resolution there as well.

On 13/02/2017 5:19 PM, Peter wrote:
OSGi Dependency resolution is.

Which means if we want to support an OSGi environment properly, we may need some time to resolve the dependencies for a smart proxy, before deserializing the proxy, rather than downloading the proxy dynamically during unmarshalling, it's better to delay unmarshalling until the dependencies are resolved, so the client isn't impacted by delays.



On 13/02/2017 4:50 PM, Michał Kłeczek wrote:
Sorry, NP Completness of what?
I have been the first to mention NP hardness of constraint satisfaction problem
but I am not sure if this is what you are asking about.


Patricia Shanahan wrote:
Are you literally claiming NP Completeness, or just using that as an analogy for really, really difficult?

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