Comments inline.

Peter wrote:
Some of your assumptions around forbidding code downloading are incorrect, 
which means the other assumptions that rely upon it are also wrong.
Which assumptions?
I know about DownloadPermissions. And while using RequireDlPermProvider closes the security vulnerability,
the problem with DownloadPermissions is that they are not flexible enough.
They preclude scenarios like downloading code from BitTorrent or any other "locationless" source or
any source for which the client does not have a URL handler installed.

Scalability has to be understood in a broader sense. Not only in terms of runtime performance
but also in terms of flexibility and openness of the system for extension.

Contrary to RequireDlPermProvider the use of SmartProxyWrapper is both secure and flexible.

In existing River Jini applications, code download can be limited by using 
RequireDlPermProvider, it's not possible for a Serializable class to do so via 
deserialization api.  We must dynamically grant specific download permission 
after authentication, but prior to loading the remote code, this limits scope.  
If we using AtomicSerial we also need to dynamically grant 

I have an impression that you are only moving the problem around.

Is use of AtomicSerial mandatory? If not then it does not increase security in any way.

And secondly:
Based on what information are DownloadPermissions and DeserializationPermissions granted?
Only URL of the jar file? See above for why it does not scale.
Any other information would require changing the format of codebase annotations (like somehow encoding electronic signature in it).

Downloading smart proxy's directly from each service, instead of Reggie 
significantly reduces the network burden on the lookup service.
This is exactly what my SmartProxyWrapper is doing. The real proxy can even be downloaded from a third party service (neither the lookup service nor the service itself). And the bootstrap proxy can be downloaded from whatever place the client wants to treat as the lookup service - it might be as well serialized base64 encoded TXT record in DNS.

The beauty of it is that it is orthogonal to the lookup service interface - the lookup service now is just another service on the network - not being special in any way.


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