On 07/03/2014 02:17 AM, Gaurav Saini wrote:
Correct, it looks odd that for new blogger it will not show the tag cloud. Rather than removing we can put a condition that if more than 5 tags comes than we can show that complete box/panel of hot tags.

Oh, I didn't realize a tag cloud will appear if there are enough tags. Yes, great idea, show it as a unit--either desc+cloud or neither.

Please note, all of the open JIRAs are good to get fixed--feel free to assign to yourself and then work on whichever ones interest you once you get commit access. As we're nearing a release though, try to avoid major commits (things that can't be tested well before committing but we'd want to run with for a few weeks to make sure nothing fails) or partial commits that would put the application in an unreleasable state.


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