I figured put -r would not work. So this morning I've been trying to
upload it. I didn't bother yesterday because I figured this would happen.
The put -r keeps timing out. For some reason a single file is fine, but a
mass of files keeps failing. Probably my internet connection. I will keep
doing it piecemeal throughout the day; that should work.


On 10/10/17, 12:28 AM, "Alex Harui" <aha...@adobe.com.INVALID> wrote:

>Doesn't "put -r" work?  See [1].  I think the key is to use mkdir to make
>the destination folder on the server before using put.
>On 10/9/17, 1:55 PM, "Peter Ent" <p...@adobe.com.INVALID> wrote:
>>I've built a little app that produces a table that looks through the
>>ASDoc JSON files. This app is driven by a config file that contains a map
>>from Flex components to Royale Express components. For each Royale
>>component listed in the config file, the corresponding ASDoc JSON file is
>>loaded and if it has a new ASDoc tag, @commentary, it shows that in the
>>last column.
>>I would like to show this to you, but I cannot figure out how to post the
>>site (about 6 MB, its js-debug) to my home.apache.org account. I can
>>transfer the file there as a .tar but it looks like ssh is prevented on
>>home.apache.org at this point.
>>Using ASDoc + a driver file is one way to do this. Another way is to just
>>scan all of the ASDoc JSON files looking for some clues about which
>>classes could be compared to Flex components. I would say this would mean
>>adding some more ASDoc tags (e.g., @flexcomponent, @flexdocurl) and it
>>may take longer to scan through all the JSON files and build the table.
>>I need to sync up with changes to the repos and then I'll publish my
>>example in the royale-as/examples directory so you can build it for
>>yourselves and take a look.

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