I have a new version of the Flex to Royale comparison table. You can find
it here:

This table is built from the JSON output from the compiler has it scans
the ASDoc tags. I've included some new tags to document the comparison. I
still have some work to, including modifying the compiler to generate a
driver file (right now it uses a driver file I created). I had to modify
the html/P component and I added an html/PRE component. I'm waiting for
the rename to be finished before committing my changes (plus I'll probably
have a couple more).

Let me know if you think this table would be helpful to people migrating
from Flex and what else you would like to see in it (besides more


On 10/10/17, 10:47 AM, "Peter Ent" <p...@adobe.com.INVALID> wrote:

>Its finally uploaded. You can find this new table here:
>I need to do some work on a couple Royale components to get this to look
>better, but that's the idea. I took the raw JSON and added a "commentary"
>element to a couple in Express. Again, this is driven from a config file
>to limit the number of JSON files it needs to open.
>Compare with previous version at:
>On 10/10/17, 9:46 AM, "Peter Ent" <p...@adobe.com.INVALID> wrote:
>>I figured put -r would not work. So this morning I've been trying to
>>upload it. I didn't bother yesterday because I figured this would happen.
>>The put -r keeps timing out. For some reason a single file is fine, but a
>>mass of files keeps failing. Probably my internet connection. I will keep
>>doing it piecemeal throughout the day; that should work.
>>On 10/10/17, 12:28 AM, "Alex Harui" <aha...@adobe.com.INVALID> wrote:
>>>Doesn't "put -r" work?  See [1].  I think the key is to use mkdir to
>>>the destination folder on the server before using put.
>>>On 10/9/17, 1:55 PM, "Peter Ent" <p...@adobe.com.INVALID> wrote:
>>>>I've built a little app that produces a table that looks through the
>>>>ASDoc JSON files. This app is driven by a config file that contains a
>>>>from Flex components to Royale Express components. For each Royale
>>>>component listed in the config file, the corresponding ASDoc JSON file
>>>>loaded and if it has a new ASDoc tag, @commentary, it shows that in the
>>>>last column.
>>>>I would like to show this to you, but I cannot figure out how to post
>>>>site (about 6 MB, its js-debug) to my home.apache.org account. I can
>>>>transfer the file there as a .tar but it looks like ssh is prevented on
>>>>home.apache.org at this point.
>>>>Using ASDoc + a driver file is one way to do this. Another way is to
>>>>scan all of the ASDoc JSON files looking for some clues about which
>>>>classes could be compared to Flex components. I would say this would
>>>>adding some more ASDoc tags (e.g., @flexcomponent, @flexdocurl) and it
>>>>may take longer to scan through all the JSON files and build the table.
>>>>I need to sync up with changes to the repos and then I'll publish my
>>>>example in the royale-as/examples directory so you can build it for
>>>>yourselves and take a look.

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