
>But, given that we are going to point the site royale.apache.org to a 
>wordpress.com site, we should be able to embed this `Try it out` app from a 
>separately hosted server. 

Ahh... maybe you misunderstood me:
With 'embed' I just mean if we should make the try-it-now app part of the
website with the same look and feel or if we should build something that
looks more like an app than a website an open it in another window.

>I've already offered to host any services the Royale project needs on a
dedicated AWS

This is great and the way we should go these days, thank you!

>Yes, I can take care of all that.  I will install whatever is needed to
make this work. 

Any kind help is really appreciated!!! I still can just work from time to
time on this stuff so it will take some time if we have something that

>Do you need a database? 
We could persist the compiled code by using the filesystem or we go with a
NoSQL database like CouchDB or MongoDB.
Because it is probably really simple to build such a DB instance for
somebody who has AWS knowledge 
we should go with a DB.

I would like to share some thoughts on the server side, maybe you have some
more ideas.
If somebody would like to work on this, go ahead! ;-)

I would provide 3 endpoints at first, maybe something like this:

// Get an URL that points to the compiled entity
GET http://.... /compiler/targets/html?sdfsa78ewqwerqw8

// Update a given Royale entity
PUT http://.... /compiler/targets/html

// Compile and create a new one
POST http://.... /compiler/targets/html

The data transfer would be done via JSON, something like this:

   "_id": "...",
   "url": "...",
   "source": "",
   "log": "..."


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