Are you testing with the selector that sets position!=static throughout the DOM?

If not, then I think that the "get what you set" rule has to apply and I would 
think that code is necessary.  That was also a rule in Flex.  The following was 
always true:

Var value:int = 10;
someWidget.x = value;
value == someWidget.x; // this was always true.

Otherwise, I think simple animation code might fail:

Function timerHandler():void
  someWidget.x += 10;

The above reads  x and sets it to x+10.

It is not PAYG to worry about the performance of an API that is rarely used.  
That is how PAYG works.  You pay for it when you use it.  If you can lower the 
cost without making everyone pay for it, great, but the most important 
principle is that you cannot make everyone pay for it just-in-case.  Migrating 
apps may pay more in order to change less code, but AIUI, the trend in UI 
design in general is to get away from absolute positioning and use flexbox and 
CSSGrid in order to have responsive UIs, so I don't see x,y performance as 

I think you are saying there is a bug in the current code, but it somehow 
involves offsetParent changing.  Can you explain what causes offsetParent to 


On 6/7/18, 12:22 PM, "Harbs" <> wrote:

    >  I hope the current implementation tries to mimic Flash/Flex for backward 
compatibility reasons. 
    Here’s the kicker:
    I have not yet found a *SINGLE* case yet where this attempt to mimic the 
Flash/Flex behavior is necessary to *GET THE SAME RESULT*. Both my own app and 
the examples that I’ve tested seem to work perfectly without the offsetParent 
code. The *ONLY* effect I’ve seen from this code is that it:
    1. Causes bugs in the layout lifecycle.
    2. Causes a significant performance hit when writing x and y values.
    So, to me the question is *WHAT IS THE CASE WHERE THIS CODE IS ACTUALLY 
NEEDED*? Sure. I understand theoretically why it’s needed, but I don’t see an 
*ACTUAL* problem with removing the code. It seems to me like the theoretical 
case can be handled with utility functions.
    I’ll try to do some more testing, but after my initial tests, I’m 
questioning whether this code is serving a function anymore. I remember it 
being needed at some point in the past, but it could be it’s legacy code which 
is no longer useful.
    > On Jun 7, 2018, at 10:13 PM, Alex Harui <> wrote:
    > I'm not sure I'm understanding.
    > There is no x,y in HTML/JS, so we can make it mean anything we want it 
to.  I hope the current implementation tries to mimic Flash/Flex for backward 
compatibility reasons.  We could agree to change that if we really want to, but 
I think backward-compatibility is useful here.
    > In Flex/Flash, if you set the x,y to 10,10, then the object is offset by 
10 pixels from the top-left of the parent.  If you read back x,y it will be 
10,10.  However, in Royale, we map x,y to the "left" and "top" styles.  if the 
parentNode has position=static, then we need code to compensate for that.
    > One way is to make sure nobody has position=static.  That doesn't seem 
PAYG, might break snippets from the internet, and can be overridden by someone 
setting position=static on an element (not sure why anyone would do that).
    > Another way is, when you set x,y, we set position!=static on the parent.  
I think we tried that and there was some problem, but maybe we should try that 
again.  That would be PAYG, IMO.  It is only applied when used.
    > But again, I want to understand the fundamental use cases.  The one you 
cited in RoyaleStore turned out to be an un-needed hack.  What are the real use 
cases we need to consider?  How important/prevalent is setting x,y outside of 
effects, popups, and absolute layout going to be?   Otherwise, the code can be 
inefficient because you only pay for it in rare cases, which is more PAYG then 
making every node pay for it "just-in-case".
    > My 2 cents,
    > -Alex
    > On 6/7/18, 12:00 PM, "Harbs" < 
<>> wrote:
    >    I don’t think I was clear enough. The original issue that started this 
thread is actually caused by the code which sets the y value based on the 
parentOffset. If the parentOffset is ignored, the issue goes away and we don’t 
have to care about layout lifecycles.
    >    For the few cases where we need to read and set the *actual observed* 
x and y positions based on the offsetParent which might be different than the 
actual parent, we can use utility functions to get and set these values.
    >> On Jun 7, 2018, at 9:27 PM, Harbs <> wrote:
    >>> So, if we don't force position!=static throughout the DOM, then you 
have to have code that compensates for that difference.
    >> I don’t think I agree. Right now we’re modifying the x and y values 
because we *might* care about the offsetParent. That’s not PAYG. In fact, the 
set values will be *wrong* if the position of the parent is changed after the x 
and y values of the child are set.
    >> Based on my observations, most apps will not need to set the values 
based on the offsetParent, so hard-wiring that code in is not PAYG. This is 
especially true since setting x and y currently forces a reflow of HTML. We’re 
suffering a major performance hit for no reason.
    >> In cases where we care about the parentOffset, we can use observedX and 
observedY utility methods which account for offsetParent. That seems much more 
PAYG to me.
    >> Removing the assumptions of reliance on offsetParent seems to eliminate 
all needs to care about parent positioning.
    >> My $0.02,
    >> Harbs
    >>> On Jun 7, 2018, at 8:23 PM, Alex Harui < 
<> < 
<>>> wrote:
    >>> IIRC, the parentNode is always the parent of the child if you examine 
the DOM.  offsetParent is the parent or grandparent, etc, that has position != 
static, and left/top/right/bottom styles are always relative to offsetParent.  
So, if we don't force position!=static throughout the DOM, then you have to 
have code that compensates for that difference.
    >>> IMO, the key issue is whether it is "ok" to force position!=static 
throughout the DOM.  Can someone look at other JS frameworks?  I'll bet most of 
them use border-box like we do.  If the major JS frameworks have opted for 
position!=static, then it might be the right thing for us to do as well.  IMO, 
we would like to make it easy for snippets found on the internet to work in 
Royale and they may not all presume position!-static.
    >>> Also, IMO, our Containers should not presume position!=static.  
Containers accept assignable Layouts and the Layouts can set position!=static 
on the children and be appropriately named (VerticalLayoutWithXYSupport).  
That's PAYG to me.  Remember that TLCs should have very little assumptions as 
illustrated in the ExplodedComponent example.  The beads can make assumptions 
and be appropriately named and documented.
    >>> My 2 cents,
    >>> -Alex
    >>> On 6/7/18, 6:15 AM, "Harbs" < 
<> < 
<>>> wrote:
    >>>   I created a “simplify-position” feature branch which does away with 
the offsetParent logic in UIBase. It does not change anything regarding 
position: static.
    >>>   I have tested with my own app and a number of the examples. I haven’t 
found any problems yet.
    >>>   Input welcome…
    >>>   Harbs
    >>>> On Jun 7, 2018, at 12:20 PM, Harbs < 
<> < 
<>>> wrote:
    >>>>> So, IMO, it would be nice to do a similar investigation of 
    >>>> You are right. Removing the y value has no effect.
    >>>> I am wondering that maybe it makes sense to apply relative to the 
Container CSS selector and possibly a few others.
    >>>> I’m trying to understand the specific cases where:
    >>>>               if (positioner.parentNode != positioner.offsetParent)
    >>>> Is required in setX, get x and setY, get y in UIBase. I would *really* 
like to get rid of that code, and I’m, wondering what doing so would cause.
    >>>>> On Jun 7, 2018, at 12:36 AM, Alex Harui < 
<> < 
<>> < 
<>>>> wrote:
    >>>>> In the case of the controlsPallette, how did it get its size?  I 
could certainly understand that if you didn't have position!=static, that 
setting top on the dockAndOuterContainer would have no effect, but you 
shouldn't have had to set y or top in the first place.  IIRC, you couldn't use 
x,y in Flex layouts like VerticalLayout/HorizontalLayout so migrating code 
shouldn't be using it.  It is fine to create other layouts that support x,y as 
    >>>>> In general, for a framework, we want to make sure we understand and 
fix the fundamental problem before we address any hacks/exceptions.  IMO, the 
fundamental problem in the scenarios you've provided so far is that the layout 
did not do what was expected so someone tried using x,y to fix it.  First we 
need that layout do what is expected, then worry about how folks might resolve 
other issues, if any.
    >>>>> In ProductsView in RoyaleStore, the grip is an image loaded later, so 
there might have been an issue there, especially on the SWF side, but I would 
expect the browser to automatically re-layout once the grip image loaded.  I 
dug through Git history and found that I was the one who hacked in the x,y.  It 
could be that early on, the layout did not use FlexBox so we had a similar 
problem of responding to the grip image loading late.  But we should remove the 
x,y and see if there is still a problem and ponder the right fix for that.  
ProductsView should not need to be setting x,y.
    >>>>> So, IMO, it would be nice to do a similar investigation of 
controlsPallette.  IMO, if you examine that div, it's offsetHeight should be 40 
and if it is then you shouldn't need to set on 
docAndOuterContainer which means that it shouldn't matter what style.position 
    >>>>> My 2 cents,
    >>>>> -Alex
    >>>>> On 6/6/18, 2:12 PM, "Harbs" < 
<> < 
<>> < 
<> < 
<>>>> wrote:
    >>>>>> On Jun 6, 2018, at 11:05 PM, Harbs < 
<> < 
<>> < 
<>>>> wrote:
    >>>>>>              <js:Label x="20" y="20"
    >>>>>>                                text="{locStr.UPLOAD_YOUR_IMAGE}"/>
    >>>>>  It actually, looks like the x and y values no longer have an effect 
on this particular component, but there was clearly a reason they were needed 
to be specified at some point…
    >>>>>  Another one. I have an image which needs to stick to the bottom 
right of the app. To do that I needed to following:
    >>>>>    top: calc(100% - 21px);
    >>>>>    left: calc(100% - 187px);
    >>>>>    position: fixed;
    >>>>>  With a default of position: relative, I’m able to do this:
    >>>>>      top: -21px;
    >>>>>      float: right;
    >>>>>      right: 10px;
    >>>>>  This being said, it actually looks like I’m wrong about the way to 
set the defaults being .Application *{}. This actually has a *higher* 
specificity than .foo{}.[1]
    >>>>>  I think the only way to guarantee that it’ll have a lower 
specificity than other selectors is to use:
    >>>>>  *{
    >>>>>  position: relative;
    >>>>>  }
    >>>>>  I’m less happy about this option than ."Application *” because it’ll 
effect elements outside the Royale app if it’s not in an iframe.
    >>>>>  Harbs

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