> On Jun 8, 2018, at 2:47 AM, Alex Harui <aha...@adobe.com.INVALID> wrote:
> Well, you changed the test a bit.  I guess I should have had child show a 
> border.  Where would the border be?  And isn't child.offsetParent != 
> child.parentNode?
> Also shouldn't the test be:                      
>     var point:Point = PointUtils.localToGlobal(new Point(0, 0),child);

That would be 10 with or without the parentOffset code.

> Also, I don't remember if Group defaults to BasicLayout or not and what code 
> BasicLayout ran.
> But aren't you saying that the label shows up in an unexpected place?   I 
> think we know where the label would show up in Flex (30,30).  What code will 
> make both the label and border show up correctly in Royale, or should we give 
> up on that working like Flex?  I think this may be why early FlexJS did set 
> position!=static throughout the DOM.

Yes. That was probably why. Does it show in an unexpected place? Maybe. It 
depends on what you call unexpected.

Maybe a Group should have a default layout of “Relative” or something. I think 
it’s fair to say that an emulation component set should set the default to 

> I would hope we could find a way to get these scenarios to work like Flex.  I 
> think to get it to work, we need parent.style.position=relative instead of 
> child.style.position=relative?

No. It’s child. Left and top values have no effect on elements which are static.

>  I'm still wondering if BasicLayout and/or the x,y setters should set 
> parentNode.style.positon!=static.  Then I think we could drop the 
> offsetParent check.

We can drop the offsetParent check either way, but maybe non-static should be 
set. I really would not want that code to be in the x and y setters though 
unless it could be made *really* cheap. I suppose we could have a “position” 
property on UIBase which could be used to determine whether non-static needs to 
be set. The position setter could be overridden in component sets to allow for 
inline styles vs css selectors.

The most PAYG way to handle this is probably with a bead which adds the global 
position: relative selector. That approach should work fine as long as the app 
is the body. If we ever add support to inserting a Royale app into a div on a 
page, the global selector might cause unexpected effects on the rest of the 
page which might rely on the default position: static setting.

> Thoughts?
> -Alex
> On 6/7/18, 4:25 PM, "Harbs" <harbs.li...@gmail.com> wrote:
>    I was waiting to test it.
>    Here’s the results:
>    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
>    <js:Application 
> xmlns:fx="https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fns.adobe.com%2Fmxml%2F2009&data=02%7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.com%7Cf2a842aed6694578539708d5cccdfc59%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C1%7C636640107452777321&sdata=j0vYBh5Vanfu5s6VWv4MK9iaG%2FuUgqAgTYzP44HpfAU%3D&reserved=0";
>                    xmlns:js="library://ns.apache.org/royale/basic" 
> xmlns:ns1="*" applicationComplete="onComplete()" >
>        <fx:Script>
>            <![CDATA[
>                import org.apache.royale.utils.PointUtils;
>                import org.apache.royale.geom.Point;
>                private function onComplete():void{
>                    var point:Point = PointUtils.localToGlobal(new 
> Point(child.x,child.y),child);
>                    trace(point);
>                }
>            ]]>
>        </fx:Script>
>        <js:valuesImpl>
>            <js:SimpleCSSValuesImpl />
>        </js:valuesImpl>
>        <js:initialView>
>            <js:View>
>                <js:Group id="parent" style="padding:10px">
>                    <js:Group id="child" x="20" y="20">
>                        <js:Label text="Hello"/>
>                    </js:Group>
>                </js:Group>
>            </js:View>
>        </js:initialView>
>    </js:Application>
>    Traces:
>    org.apache.royale.geom.Point {x: 30, y: 30}
>    I think that’s the result you wanted.
>    As to why: because it adds 20 to the bounding box of the element which is 
> 10,10.
>    Mind you: The *visual* placement of the word Hello is actually 10,10 
> rather than 30,30, but the *logical* placement of it is 30,30. The reason is 
> because the x and y values have no effect. To make the visual placement match 
> the logical placement, the position of “child” needs to be changed to 
> relative.
>    Harbs
>> On Jun 8, 2018, at 1:50 AM, Alex Harui <aha...@adobe.com.INVALID> wrote:
>> Harbs,
>> I posted a 3 MXML tag example.  Will it work like it does in Flex with your 
>> changes?  If so, how/why?
>> If not, then we need the old code.  It is unfortunate that it causes extra 
>> reflows, but setting x,y should be rare.  And if you can propose a different 
>> solution that is PAYG, even better.  I keep wondering if we should go back 
>> to setting position!=static on the parentNode when x,y is set.
>> The scenario where offsetParent changes also needs to be understood to know 
>> how rare it is or if it is a result of some other bug.  We have to be 
>> careful about spending lots of time on these cases if they are corner cases 
>> or a side-effect.
>> All I'm trying to do is make sure your analysis and proposed changes are 
>> correct.  There have been scenarios cited (RoyaleStore) and solutions 
>> proposed (Application * selector0 that weren't valid so I'm just trying to 
>> help make sure this is right.  It just isn't making sense to me that 
>> offsetParent doesn't matter in the x,y calculation or that there is 
>> framework code that changes offsetParent.  I don't want to worry about the 
>> performance of x,y being set if most UI really shouldn't be setting it.  But 
>> for sure, it has to produce the right values.
>> Thanks,
>> -Alex
>> On 6/7/18, 3:26 PM, "Harbs" <harbs.li...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On Jun 8, 2018, at 1:11 AM, Alex Harui <aha...@adobe.com.INVALID> wrote:
>>>  In your animation code example, having the offsetParent code in the setter 
>>> makes the animation *way* less efficient. There is a an extra forced reflow 
>>> for every assignment of the new value.
>>> I don't understand this point.  Can you provide more detail?  I would 
>>> imagine animations are going to cause reflows.   If there is a way to do 
>>> animations without resulting in a reflow that would be great.
>>   The point is that there is a forced reflow. There will definitely be a 
>> reflow when the browser draws the animation change, but the offsetParent 
>> code forces the browser to calculate an extra reflow during the code 
>> execution prior to setting the x value.
>>   This has two problems:
>>   1. There is two reflows per cycle instead of one. If the animation sets 
>> both x and y values, there will be three reflows (the first two forced) 
>> instead of one.
>>   2. The first reflow is forced to happen during javascript execution rather 
>> than when the browser decides it’s the optimum time to do so.
>>>> I think you are saying there is a bug in the current code, but it somehow 
>>>> involves offsetParent changing.  Can you explain what causes offsetParent 
>>>> to change?
>>>  If/when the parent (or grandparent or great-grandparent, etc.) element 
>>> position changes from static to some other value, the offsetParent will 
>>> change.
>>> Again, how important/prevalent is such a scenario?
>>   It’s hard to say, but one such scenario sparked this discussion. I think 
>> that avoiding lifecycle issues is pretty important.

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