Actually this will definitely need more effort/investigation, as this only 
helped with the ActionScript within my test MXML file (below); it didn't help 
when I had an assignment. So maybe the 'get' is sorted with the below but the 
'set' needs to be sorted within the MethodBodySemanticChecker.checkLValue() 


Code from TextButton's click handler; compiles with my below hack:
   var tgt : TextButton = as TextButton;
  var date : Date = new Date();
   if (tgt) tgt.text = "Thanks: " + date.toTimeString() + ".." + date.fullYear;

Code that fails to compile still:
   date.fullYear = 2016;

-----Original Message-----
From: Frost, Andrew [] 
Sent: 28 June 2018 17:04
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Royale compiler not handling Date.fullYear etc

Hi guys

I'm getting errors with the Royale compiler when trying to access the 
properties of a Date object ("Error: Access of possibly undefined property 
fullYear through a reference with static type Date.")

Having looked into it, this is because the JavaScript 'Date' object has 
"getFullYear" and "setFullYear", rather than set/get functions. There looks 
like there's some clever code going on within which 
should be able to handle this and translate the output (which it does, and 
which works fine), but we're getting the AccessUndefinedMemberProblem error 
reported prior to this.

It looked to me as if there were a few possible workarounds for this, but I was 
thinking it might be better if someone a little more familiar with the compiler 
code was to look at this? I put in a hack within the 
"MethodBodySemanticChecker" class, in the "checkMemberAccess" method:
        IDefinition def = utils.getDefinition(member_node);

        // Is this a special case of "Date" where access to properties need to 
be functions?
        if ( (def == null) && (iNode instanceof MemberAccessExpressionNode) )
            IExpressionNode left  = ((MemberAccessExpressionNode) 
            IExpressionNode right = ((MemberAccessExpressionNode) 
            if (left instanceof IdentifierNode && right instanceof 
                  ITypeDefinition classLeft = left.resolveType(project);
                  if (classLeft != null && 
classLeft.getBaseName().equals("Date") )
                        // is the right hand side one of our acceptable 
                        String memberName = ((IdentifierNode) right).getName();
                        final String[] allowed = { "time", "fullYear", "month", 
"date", "fullYearUTC",
"dateUTC", "hours", "minutes", "seconds",
"hoursUTC", "minutesUTC",
"secondsUTC","millisecondsUTF" };
                        if ( Arrays.asList(allowed).contains(memberName) ) 
        if ( def == null && utils.definitionCanBeAnalyzed(member) )

This works - and the other BinaryOperatorEmitter code then kicks in to output 
the correct JavaScript - but it's not very elegant! and may screw up if anyone 
has created their own something.Date class .. so I was thinking it would be 
better to be fixed by an expert!

Let me know if you'd like me to raise an issue on the royale-compiler github 
project for this..



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