>Take into account that Jewel already has most of the things you mention:
>Alert, PopUp, SnackBar, ToolTip...maybe you just need to do some managers,
>beads, or things that complete your needs. 

    The Alert we cannot use at all because it uses a third party load 
(cloudflare) and is not baked in (we would like to not use pollyfill's 
anyways).  We chose to intentionally build a new Alert because of that, which 
isn't a big deal, it's pretty much just a canned popup anyways.  

    Our current test PopUpManager opens any UIBase component as a popup.  We 
preferred this method to allow us a wider range of uses.  Imagine clicking on a 
datagrid row item and it opens an image based buttonbar  for options.

    Our notification system is more robust; it will queue / stack as needed 
while supporting hovering and delays.  It uses an Interface to standardize 
handling the different types.  Some notifications are simple 
success/warning/error/info/debug styled notifications that automatically 
disappear as needed.  However some are persistent that manage complicated tasks 
for items like uploads / downloads / etc. and have user controls which are more 
like a snackbar which will only disappear once completed performing it's task 
or the user has performed an action with it.

    I liked the tooltip bead for controls, we will probably inherit it and make 
it center it's upper left (0,0 position) to make it appear where the mouse 
pointer was vice the current 4 corners + middle option.  I will look into the 
Jewel.ToolTip for when we get to our charts (which will be a while from now) 
since we will still need to have multiple toolTips up at once.  

> We are about to share ArrayListView that is like ListCollectionView and
> provides filtering and sorting using the MX classes (Sort, SortField)
>Greg should share this today or tomorrow hopefully.
> Just take into account. Remember that Jewel uses ArrayList instead of
> ArrayCollection. And AMF is capable to use AL instead of AC
> About addItem, removeItem, updateItem, remember as well that this is
> implemented as beads. If you need the addItem functionality to add an item
> to a List just add the bead.

Good news! We will probably inherit it and hardcode all the beads in there 
(which we've done for quite a few controls already).  That will help us 
standardize even if it goes against the PAYG philosophy.  However the beads / 
strands make good code separation and replacement is easier when there is a 
base class inherited by new class adding permanent beads.

BTW I would love a new feature in the collections.  Just two methods or a 
getter / setter and a private variable.  It would completely disable event 
dispatching.  I'm not talking about the current event "pendingUpdates" feature 
in the ListCollectionView.  I mean not call any event while it's disabled or 
process any queue after its re-enabled.  If I perform a serious 
add/remove/update loop on a collection, I would like to manually call a reset 
event after the fact and not have an obscene amount of events trigger in a row.

-Mark K

-----Original Message-----
From: Carlos Rovira [mailto:carlosrov...@apache.org] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2019 1:56 PM
To: dev@royale.apache.org
Subject: Re: [Non-DoD Source] Re: PopUpManager question

Hi Mark,

El mié., 20 mar. 2019 a las 17:52, Kessler CTR Mark J
(<mark.kessler....@usmc.mil.invalid>) escribió:

> Carlos,
>      I did look into that.  But it was too simplified for us as an
> enterprise solution.  We needed the holistic approach to all popup types;
> it's the only way to keep the layers straight.  Multi-level / layered
> popups, alerts, notification handling / toasts / snackbar, and we will add
> in a tooltip manager (for multiple active tooltips, imagine chart usage) to
> it.  This means several managed arrays for the different sets of layers;
> would have preferred vectors over arrays.  Whereas the flex side we only
> had to add one additional manager for our notification / toast / snackbar
> support and some side utils.

Take into account that Jewel already has most of the things you mention:
Alert, PopUp, SnackBar, ToolTip...maybe you just need to do some managers,
beads, or things that complete your needs. And if designed as a framework
class/component you can submit as a Pull Request and propose to merge. Or
better comment first here and propose additions. In that way we continue
growing as a project and as a community

>     BTW I do appreciate the work you've (and others) put into Jewel.  It's
> looking good.  We actually use it as a base right now for testing and
> modify it for our needs from there.

Great to know others are already using Jewel! :)

> Our goal at this point is get the basics done in the royale side and redo
> some of our libraries so it can be used on either royale or the air / flex
> side.  We came to the realization that the layout from the CSS side of
> things is too powerful to be held back by trying to use flex/air styled
> layout.  So the views we have just will not work on both sides of the
> house.  We will however work to keep the business logic the same, but it
> means creating things on the royale side that are missing to match previous
> features.
>     Next up will work on Collections (ArrayCollection and
> VectorCollection) since we use those heavily.  We use the events, sorting,
> filtering, addItem, contains, disable/enable autoupdate, getItemAt,
> itemUpdated, refresh, removeItemAt, setItemAt, and interface
> ICollecitonView references features.   Well that's if we have some time
> left on it this week.  I have to swap projects again next week and back on
> to main support for a few more weeks then I'll see if I can squeeze in more
> time here again.

We are about to share ArrayListView that is like ListCollectionView and
provides filtering and sorting using the MX classes (Sort, SortField)
Greg should share this today or tomorrow hopefully.
Just take into account. Remember that Jewel uses ArrayList instead of
ArrayCollection. And AMF is capable to use AL instead of AC
About addItem, removeItem, updateItem, remember as well that this is
implemented as beads. If you need the addItem functionality to add an item
to a List just add the bead.
All of this there's examples in TDJ



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