Hi Alex,

Thank you very much for providing insight into the proper way to approach
these matters in the Apache way.  I will be mindful of the specific wording
in the future.

Hi Dany,

It sounds to me like you know a lot about React!

Maybe you could start the React part of the comparison document or FAQ
section, and then someone else who knows Royale better could fill in the
comparison pieces.

If Royale hopes to have any wider adoption beyond traditional Flex
developers, I personally think it must communicate clearly WHY technically
the development community should care.  This - to me at least - means a
pros/cons list compared to other market incumbents, without being marketing
nonsense.  It should be based in facts about the technical architectures --
exactly as you start to describe in your message.

As Alex mentioned, we need these points to be factual and not opinion based
to maintain the Apache way.   And actually, the facts are a lot more useful
than opinions, because otherwise technical conversations degrade into "I
think X way is better", instead of X way requires A instead of B which is
the method Y uses.  Exactly like your DOM rendering discussion.   And that
is precisely what it seems to me like you are starting to share below about
things like JQuery not being usable with React.  A lot of people know
JQuery and like it, so that seems to me something in the "+" column for
Royale vs. React.

Regarding command lines and power users / script -- I'm all for that.  I
love UNIX / Linux / Mac Terminal ... However, I also hate forcing new users
who have limited time to learn unrelated things to their immediate task.
Nobody using Mac for the first time starts with Terminal.  They ease their
way into it.  My hope is that we can achieve the easing in with Royale.
Otherwise, I think too much brain power around the world right now is being
spent re-learning this stuff over and over again, when it could be point
and click while still having the knobs to adjust behind the scenes.

It is a minor personal mission of mine to make it easier for people like me
who like to program, but have very little time to do so, and don't have
time to figure out all the nonsense I don't care about like NPM when I do
have time to program.   I just want to be able to launch an IDE and tweak
the Hello World example to see how to build useful things that I can start
to tailor for my needs.  That is one reason why I'm involved in
Moonshine-IDE.com and it is one of the reasons I care about Royale:  we can
avoid the Javascript flavor of the month syndrome with Royale.   If I later
need to get under the hood and script some things together, I'm glad I have
that option.  But I don't want to start my learning experience with it.

Anyway, back to the topic at hand -- I'd encourage you to submit a bid for
spending some of your professional time on this documentation effort on
React.   Anything you can do to illuminate these differences would be much
appreciated, even if someone else has to fill in the Royale side of the

Thank you,


----- Message from Dany Dhondt <archeme...@mac.com.INVALID> on Tue, 30 Apr
2019 05:54:49 +0200 -----
      To: dev@royale.apache.org                                                 
 Subject: Re: Let's bump Royale version to 1.0 -- submit your bid for 
assistance to   
          the group by Friday May 3                                             

Hi Justin,

As much as I would like to write an article on Royale vs. competitors, I
can’t do so at this moment because I don’t have enough Royale knowledge
yet. But there are things I could point at so that the Royale team can
formulate answers.
Here are some questions and ideas I have which could be addressed:

1. Royale blog
On our site, there is a section called ‘blog’. Shouldn’t we rename that? To
me, a blog is something of the past. ‘Examples’ or ‘Code snippets’ or
something similar would be better.

2. Faq
We definitely need a faq. Common answers to basic questions can go there.
Also, when our StackOverflow database gets rolling, we can put links to our
faq there.

3. (Re)rendering
One of the core principles of React is that it uses a virtual dom. You
never write to the dom directly. React does that for you. That’s why JQuery
doesn’t match at all with React. The main advantage of this, is that only
those DOM nodes get updated which actually change, making React really
fast. How does Royale tackle this? Can someone explain this in an easy to
understand way?

4. Managing (global) state
Updating a component in React is done by calling setState() and passing an
object to that method. That’s all very well and simple in small projects.
Passing state from parents to children is straightforward. You just pass in
state as props to underlying components. The other way around though is
hard, very hard. Handling global state is done by implementing 3rd party
technologies like Redux, MobX or recently by implementing React hooks.
I believe that Royale binding mechanisms could be superior to this. So the
question here: how does Royale handles global state?

5. Justin, at some point in your message, you talk about ‘command line
nonsense’. I believe you’re right and wrong at the same time.
Right because indeed, learning React is far more than learning one
technology. You have to dig through npm, node, JSX, typescript (if you want
strong typing), webpack/rollup, babel, … and in the end, most of us use
create-react-app just to hide all those configurations. BUT
Wrong because there is a massive open source community where you can find
almost anything you might need in your project. Building a modern web app
is all about combining existing code to create your application.
That brings me to this question: is it possible to embed existing pure
javascript components into Royale?
An example: one of the most crucial components in any admin application is
a calendar. In my Flex days, I had to spend hundreds of dollars to get a
decent calendar component. In React, I use fullcalendar which is a great
calendar/sheduling javascript component. Creating a calendar component from
scratch takes years as anyone who has tried will confirm.

6. Components, components, components, …
As I stated before, embracing a new application technology involves the
immediate availability of standard components. PAYG architecture, beads and
strands is all very powerful, but as a developer new to Royale, I’d want
ready-to-use, powerful, beautiful components which interoperate seamlessly.

Just some random thoughts…


----- Message from Alex Harui <aha...@adobe.com.INVALID> on Tue, 30 Apr
2019 02:16:30 +0000 -----
      To: "dev@royale.apache.org" <dev@royale.apache.org>                       
 Subject: Re: Get paid to help bring Apache Royale to version to 1.0 -- submit 
your bid for           
          assistance to the group by Friday May 3                               

Hi Royale folks,

First, we should thank Justin Hill for his generous offer.  Justin posted
this offer on dev@flex as well.  This is a copy of my reply on dev@flex so
apologies if you get this twice and no need to read it again.

This offer turns out to be a good opportunity to educate and/or remind
folks how Apache projects are different from corporate-driven projects.
Here's my take on some of important principles at Apache.  Other Apache
folks may have different opinions.

1) The Apache Software Foundation (the ASF) itself does not pay people to
contribute to its projects.  So the subject of this email is a bit
concerning since it could imply that.  But in this case, a company
(Prominic) or a person (Justin Hill) is proposing to pay for contributions
just like anyone hiring a contractor or employee.  Which is totally fine
and in fact, encouraged.  It would be great if all of you who are planning
to use Royale would pay for contributions as long as you make it clear that
the ASF is not the entity paying.  This includes, of course, contributing
patches or features to Royale that you write yourself (where you are paying
yourself or your employer is paying you).  Royale is free software, but
Royale will be better if every user finds a way to contribute.  There is no
big corporation like Adobe putting in money up front to try to guarantee
success.  This is more like a potluck than a restaurant.

IMO, it is fine for now for folks to post job offers on the mailing lists.
If we get too many job offers, we can ask for a separate mailing list or
some other place to share job information, but for now, I am personally ok
with having offers of work-for-pay posted on the list with a [JOB] prefix.
Others are welcome to object or propose other ideas.  But basically, we
want to encourage the growth of the Royale job ecosystem without implying
that Apache pays for contributions.  So in the future, please use [JOB] or
whatever we converge on to distinguish that someone else is paying.

And that leads to point 2...

2) Work paid for by someone else is not guaranteed to be accepted into the
codebase.  Whatever code or other IP is paid for and generated
(documentation, graphics, videos, etc) might be rejected just like any
other code contribution from a committer.  Rejections should be very rare
in Royale as we have designed Royale to be loosely-coupled so the impact of
some code on other code should be minimized.  But the fact remains that if
a contribution does not have technical merit or has licensing issues it may
not be accepted and certainly not because someone paid someone for it.

One reason something could be rejected is because of point 3...

3) Apache does not want to appear to be influenced by corporations and
business.  What this really means is that no business entity should appear
to be running the project, dictating schedules, roadmaps, etc.  Apache is
all about individuals.  The person with a few hours on the weekend should
be able to contribute.  Of course, businesses with more money can pay more
folks to write more code and overwhelm the weekend person.  That's just
life.  But that business cannot reject the weekend person's contribution
just because it doesn’t fit into that business's goals/schedule.  And, no
business can claim to be "the provider", "the sponsor", "the home of", or
use similar phrases to imply that they are the sole entity in charge of the
project.  So if a paid contribution implies something like that, that would
be grounds for rejection.

Similarly, because Apache is about individuals, we get to point 4...

4) No individual has more influence than any other individual.  No matter
who pays you or how many hours you have to contribute or whether you
contribute documentation or code or help answer questions, you have an
equal voice.  Sure, there will be technical experts on subsections of the
code that have a vision of what that subsection should do, but that's why
Royale is loosely coupled:  so you can fork that subsection and create your
own variant.  Royale itself probably won't designate one component set as
"the one to use".  There are many to choose from with pros and cons for
your needs.  And thus, it isn't up to Carlos or me or any other person to
dictate what is or isn't going to happen.

Instead, projects get work done in a different way...

5) Apache projects use consensus.  Without a boss to make the call, Apache
projects rely on consensus (actually, general consensus) to make decisions.
That can take more time when everyone has an equal say, but there really
aren't other options.  So if you have an idea to help Royale, post it and
neither Carlos nor I will make a decision on it.  We may voice our
opinions, but it will be up to everyone else reading this email list and
maybe responding to twitter posts to make it clear which ideas are most
popular.  And then, since Prominic or Justin Hill is paying, ultimately it
is his call which ones to actually pay.  We want whatever he pays for to
have a return on investment for him so he has money to pay for more work.
And the same goes for anyone else who can make a generous offer similar to
Justin Hill's.

And similarly, without bosses and only individuals...

6) Apache projects generally don't have schedules/deadlines/roadmaps.
There is no one in the project who can fire you for not making your
deadline.  We want to encourage folks to contribute even in their spare
time.  So Apache projects generally don't manage detailed schedules like
you've probably experienced in other jobs.  We have general goals, like
there is general consensus to get to a 1.0 as soon as possible, but we
can't set a date and manage towards it since there is no manager.  We can
shoot for a date, but if we don't make it, we don't make it.  Now if some
business or individual REALLY needs to hit a date, they can pay folks to
try to get more work done by that date.  But Apache and the project itself
can't dictate to others what to do by what day.  Or even what features are
in or out.  If someone wants to contribute something that is important to
them but not to anybody else, it will go in based on its technical merit,
not some strategy document.  And that is to everyone's benefit.  If you've
ever posted a bug report or feature request to some provider hoping it will
be in their next release, then you can see the benefit of the Apache model.
At Apache, you can fix the bug or implement the feature yourself and if
you've earned committer rights, it is in the next release.  Or pay someone
to fix the bug or implement the feature.  Nobody can tell you otherwise
(unless it creates a conflict for someone else).

Oh, and one more thing...

7) Apache is a non-profit so it cannot do certain kinds of marketing.
However, individuals and business can, just not on the project's web
presence.  So factual comparison tables are probably ok on the Royale site,
but once you get into opinions, that is best left for individuals and
business to explain on their blogs and web presence why they chose Royale
over some other technology.

So, in the end, Justin's email and future emails from others like this
should read more like below.



Subject: [JOB] Prominic hiring contractors to bring Apache Royale to
version 1.0

    Royale helps modernize Flex applications AND provides a great
    to revitalize the next generation Flex ecosystem as a viable
alternative to
    Javascript solutions such as React, Angular, and Vue.

    Get paid to help bring Apache Royale to version 1.0!

    Prominic is the company developing the Moonshine IDE for Flex and
    Prominic is willing to pay developers to help bring Royale to market as
1.0.  To apply:

    1) join the dev@royale.apache.org mailing list

    2) review the recent discussions on what needs to be fixed on Nabble:


    3) Submit to the dev@royale.apache.org mailing list your bid for
    to the group by Friday May 3

    The Moonshine-IDE.com team is willing to donate $2,500 USD in total
    the next 30 days to anyone who can accomplish agreed upon tasks
    to help Royale release a 1.0 version.

    IF you who are willing to step up to the plate immediately (with a
    deliverable no later than May 26, 2019) to help with:

    * documentation (ASDoc style)

    * examples (code snippets that do things like Tour de Royale)

    * tutorials (well written, friendly, understandable, educational

    * a mini reproduction of the aforementioned Flex In a Week Series


    * build automation

    * automated test cases

    * creation of a summary comparison table showing Royale relative to
    Vue, Angular

    * a longer write up of competitive articles detailed why Royale is
    important.  BTW, one reason it can be important is because it is NOT
    controlled by giant companies.

    * a directory of consultants for hire:

    * OR anything else you would want to see in a 1.0 version of Royale


    Please submit to this public group your commitment and cost.

    We will then do this democratically:
    deadline for bid submissions is 7 days from now -- Friday May 3.  Folks
on this mailing list should offer their thoughts and opinions on the bids.
    Carlos (or someone who knows Twitter enough to create another poll)
    then do another Twitter vote poll for 3 days to see what folks think of
the various proposals.  Prominic alone will decide which bids it will pay
for taking into consideration the discussion threads.

    Ideally multiple people will commit to doing something "small" for $500
    each and Prominic can award 5 people the projects.

    The $2,500 USD total will be paid via PayPal.  No exceptions.

    Please note that the work you do may not be accepted into the project
repos.  If your work is not accepted, Prominic will work with you and the
project on next steps.  Your work may end up on the Moonshine-IDE site or
other places.  Prominic cannot dictate production deadlines for an Apache
project so If the 30 day and 60 day deadlines are not met, Prominic
reserves the right to change the offer or its deadlines.  Prominic is not
the only business entity involved with Royale and encourages other business
entities to make similar offers to help Royale mature to be your solution
for building applications for web/mobile/desktop.

    IF within 30 days Apache Royale 1.0 is released to the public then the
    Moonshine-IDE.com team will again donate $2,500 for the month of June
in an
    identical voting scenario (assuming this one works well) to bring home
    1.1 release.

    By 60 days from now, a new user who has never seen Royale before or
    programmed in ActionScript should be able to:
    1) Arrive at the Apache Royale web page

    2) Understand from the home page why they should care about the project
    they come from React, Vue, Angular, Flex, or ActionScript worlds

    3) Be able to within 5 mouse clicks (download button, install button,
    launch button, build button, run button) go from having nothing on
    machine to having an IDE (we of course volunteer Moonshine but Visual
    Studio Code should be a goal for this, too) on their machine with a
    successful build of their first "hello world".  No command line
    No learning NPM, Git, downloading 20 required packages.   See Royale
    website.  Want to try it.  5 clicks later build your Hello World.

    If the above 3 goals are met, then the Moonshine-IDE.com team will run
    3rd donation round of $2,500 for the month of July in a manner to the
    description above to bring home a 1.2 release, to be published no later
    than the end of July 2019 for the awards to be paid.

    Hopefully this helps motivate the team.

    Thank you,

    Justin Hill

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