I tweet about it:


Hopefully we can get more people to know about this offer

Share and retweet! :)

El vie., 3 may. 2019 a las 9:33, Piotr Zarzycki (<piotrzarzyck...@gmail.com>)

> Too bad that this proposition is not being answered in any way. However
> there is still time today submit your expectations and help this project
> grow.
> wt., 30 kwi 2019 o 08:24 Justin M. Hill <jus...@prominic.net> napisał(a):
> > Hi Alex,
> >
> > Thank you very much for providing insight into the proper way to approach
> > these matters in the Apache way.  I will be mindful of the specific
> wording
> > in the future.
> >
> >
> > Hi Dany,
> >
> > It sounds to me like you know a lot about React!
> >
> > Maybe you could start the React part of the comparison document or FAQ
> > section, and then someone else who knows Royale better could fill in the
> > comparison pieces.
> >
> > If Royale hopes to have any wider adoption beyond traditional Flex
> > developers, I personally think it must communicate clearly WHY
> technically
> > the development community should care.  This - to me at least - means a
> > pros/cons list compared to other market incumbents, without being
> marketing
> > nonsense.  It should be based in facts about the technical architectures
> --
> > exactly as you start to describe in your message.
> >
> > As Alex mentioned, we need these points to be factual and not opinion
> > based to maintain the Apache way.   And actually, the facts are a lot
> more
> > useful than opinions, because otherwise technical conversations degrade
> > into "I think X way is better", instead of X way requires A instead of B
> > which is the method Y uses.  Exactly like your DOM rendering discussion.
> > And that is precisely what it seems to me like you are starting to share
> > below about things like JQuery not being usable with React.  A lot of
> > people know JQuery and like it, so that seems to me something in the "+"
> > column for Royale vs. React.
> >
> >
> > Regarding command lines and power users / script -- I'm all for that.  I
> > love UNIX / Linux / Mac Terminal ... However, I also hate forcing new
> users
> > who have limited time to learn unrelated things to their immediate task.
> > Nobody using Mac for the first time starts with Terminal.  They ease
> their
> > way into it.  My hope is that we can achieve the easing in with Royale.
> > Otherwise, I think too much brain power around the world right now is
> being
> > spent re-learning this stuff over and over again, when it could be point
> > and click while still having the knobs to adjust behind the scenes.
> >
> >
> > It is a minor personal mission of mine to make it easier for people like
> > me who like to program, but have very little time to do so, and don't
> have
> > time to figure out all the nonsense I don't care about like NPM when I do
> > have time to program.   I just want to be able to launch an IDE and tweak
> > the Hello World example to see how to build useful things that I can
> start
> > to tailor for my needs.  That is one reason why I'm involved in
> > Moonshine-IDE.com and it is one of the reasons I care about Royale:  we
> can
> > avoid the Javascript flavor of the month syndrome with Royale.   If I
> later
> > need to get under the hood and script some things together, I'm glad I
> have
> > that option.  But I don't want to start my learning experience with it.
> >
> >
> > Anyway, back to the topic at hand -- I'd encourage you to submit a bid
> for
> > spending some of your professional time on this documentation effort on
> > React.   Anything you can do to illuminate these differences would be
> much
> > appreciated, even if someone else has to fill in the Royale side of the
> > document.
> >
> >
> > Thank you,
> >
> > Justin
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > [image: Inactive hide details for dev-digest-help---04/29/2019 10:55:35
> > PM---dev Digest 30 Apr 2019 03:55:22 -0000 Issue 1978 Topics
> (m]dev-digest-help---04/29/2019
> > 10:55:35 PM---dev Digest 30 Apr 2019 03:55:22 -0000 Issue 1978 Topics
> > (messages 9973 through 9978)
> >
> >
> > ----- Message from Dany Dhondt <archeme...@mac.com.INVALID> on Tue, 30
> > Apr 2019 05:54:49 +0200 -----
> > *To:*
> >
> >    dev@royale.apache.org
> >
> > *Subject:*
> >
> >    Re: Let's bump Royale version to 1.0 -- submit your bid for assistance
> >    to the group by Friday May 3
> >
> > Hi Justin,
> >
> > As much as I would like to write an article on Royale vs. competitors, I
> > can’t do so at this moment because I don’t have enough Royale knowledge
> > yet. But there are things I could point at so that the Royale team can
> > formulate answers.
> > Here are some questions and ideas I have which could be addressed:
> >
> > 1. Royale blog
> > On our site, there is a section called ‘blog’. Shouldn’t we rename that?
> > To me, a blog is something of the past. ‘Examples’ or ‘Code snippets’ or
> > something similar would be better.
> >
> > 2. Faq
> > We definitely need a faq. Common answers to basic questions can go there.
> > Also, when our StackOverflow database gets rolling, we can put links to
> our
> > faq there.
> >
> > 3. (Re)rendering
> > One of the core principles of React is that it uses a virtual dom. You
> > never write to the dom directly. React does that for you. That’s why
> JQuery
> > doesn’t match at all with React. The main advantage of this, is that only
> > those DOM nodes get updated which actually change, making React really
> > fast. How does Royale tackle this? Can someone explain this in an easy to
> > understand way?
> >
> > 4. Managing (global) state
> > Updating a component in React is done by calling setState() and passing
> an
> > object to that method. That’s all very well and simple in small projects.
> > Passing state from parents to children is straightforward. You just pass
> > in state as props to underlying components. The other way around though
> is
> > hard, very hard. Handling global state is done by implementing 3rd party
> > technologies like Redux, MobX or recently by implementing React hooks.
> > I believe that Royale binding mechanisms could be superior to this. So
> the
> > question here: how does Royale handles global state?
> >
> > 5. Justin, at some point in your message, you talk about ‘command line
> > nonsense’. I believe you’re right and wrong at the same time.
> > Right because indeed, learning React is far more than learning one
> > technology. You have to dig through npm, node, JSX, typescript (if you
> want
> > strong typing), webpack/rollup, babel, … and in the end, most of us use
> > create-react-app just to hide all those configurations. BUT
> > Wrong because there is a massive open source community where you can find
> > almost anything you might need in your project. Building a modern web app
> > is all about combining existing code to create your application.
> > That brings me to this question: is it possible to embed existing pure
> > javascript components into Royale?
> > An example: one of the most crucial components in any admin application
> is
> > a calendar. In my Flex days, I had to spend hundreds of dollars to get a
> > decent calendar component. In React, I use fullcalendar which is a great
> > calendar/sheduling javascript component. Creating a calendar component
> from
> > scratch takes years as anyone who has tried will confirm.
> >
> > 6. Components, components, components, …
> > As I stated before, embracing a new application technology involves the
> > immediate availability of standard components. PAYG architecture, beads
> and
> > strands is all very powerful, but as a developer new to Royale, I’d want
> > ready-to-use, powerful, beautiful components which interoperate
> seamlessly.
> >
> > Just some random thoughts…
> >
> >
> > Dany
> >
> >
> > ----- Message from Alex Harui <aha...@adobe.com.INVALID> on Tue, 30 Apr
> > 2019 02:16:30 +0000 -----
> >
> > *To:*
> >
> >    "dev@royale.apache.org" <dev@royale.apache.org>
> >
> > *Subject:*
> >
> >    Re: Get paid to help bring Apache Royale to version to 1.0 -- submit
> >    your bid for assistance to the group by Friday May 3
> >
> > Hi Royale folks,
> >
> > First, we should thank Justin Hill for his generous offer.  Justin posted
> > this offer on dev@flex as well.  This is a copy of my reply on dev@flex
> > so apologies if you get this twice and no need to read it again.
> >
> > This offer turns out to be a good opportunity to educate and/or remind
> > folks how Apache projects are different from corporate-driven projects.
> > Here's my take on some of important principles at Apache.  Other Apache
> > folks may have different opinions.
> >
> > 1) The Apache Software Foundation (the ASF) itself does not pay people to
> > contribute to its projects.  So the subject of this email is a bit
> > concerning since it could imply that.  But in this case, a company
> > (Prominic) or a person (Justin Hill) is proposing to pay for
> contributions
> > just like anyone hiring a contractor or employee.  Which is totally fine
> > and in fact, encouraged.  It would be great if all of you who are
> planning
> > to use Royale would pay for contributions as long as you make it clear
> that
> > the ASF is not the entity paying.  This includes, of course, contributing
> > patches or features to Royale that you write yourself (where you are
> paying
> > yourself or your employer is paying you).  Royale is free software, but
> > Royale will be better if every user finds a way to contribute.  There is
> no
> > big corporation like Adobe putting in money up front to try to guarantee
> > success.  This is more like a potluck than a restaurant.
> >
> > IMO, it is fine for now for folks to post job offers on the mailing
> > lists.  If we get too many job offers, we can ask for a separate mailing
> > list or some other place to share job information, but for now, I am
> > personally ok with having offers of work-for-pay posted on the list with
> a
> > [JOB] prefix.  Others are welcome to object or propose other ideas.  But
> > basically, we want to encourage the growth of the Royale job ecosystem
> > without implying that Apache pays for contributions.  So in the future,
> > please use [JOB] or whatever we converge on to distinguish that someone
> > else is paying.
> >
> > And that leads to point 2...
> >
> > 2) Work paid for by someone else is not guaranteed to be accepted into
> the
> > codebase.  Whatever code or other IP is paid for and generated
> > (documentation, graphics, videos, etc) might be rejected just like any
> > other code contribution from a committer.  Rejections should be very rare
> > in Royale as we have designed Royale to be loosely-coupled so the impact
> of
> > some code on other code should be minimized.  But the fact remains that
> if
> > a contribution does not have technical merit or has licensing issues it
> may
> > not be accepted and certainly not because someone paid someone for it.
> >
> > One reason something could be rejected is because of point 3...
> >
> > 3) Apache does not want to appear to be influenced by corporations and
> > business.  What this really means is that no business entity should
> appear
> > to be running the project, dictating schedules, roadmaps, etc.  Apache is
> > all about individuals.  The person with a few hours on the weekend should
> > be able to contribute.  Of course, businesses with more money can pay
> more
> > folks to write more code and overwhelm the weekend person.  That's just
> > life.  But that business cannot reject the weekend person's contribution
> > just because it doesn’t fit into that business's goals/schedule.  And, no
> > business can claim to be "the provider", "the sponsor", "the home of", or
> > use similar phrases to imply that they are the sole entity in charge of
> the
> > project.  So if a paid contribution implies something like that, that
> would
> > be grounds for rejection.
> >
> > Similarly, because Apache is about individuals, we get to point 4...
> >
> > 4) No individual has more influence than any other individual.  No matter
> > who pays you or how many hours you have to contribute or whether you
> > contribute documentation or code or help answer questions, you have an
> > equal voice.  Sure, there will be technical experts on subsections of the
> > code that have a vision of what that subsection should do, but that's why
> > Royale is loosely coupled:  so you can fork that subsection and create
> your
> > own variant.  Royale itself probably won't designate one component set as
> > "the one to use".  There are many to choose from with pros and cons for
> > your needs.  And thus, it isn't up to Carlos or me or any other person to
> > dictate what is or isn't going to happen.
> >
> > Instead, projects get work done in a different way...
> >
> > 5) Apache projects use consensus.  Without a boss to make the call,
> Apache
> > projects rely on consensus (actually, general consensus) to make
> > decisions.  That can take more time when everyone has an equal say, but
> > there really aren't other options.  So if you have an idea to help
> Royale,
> > post it and neither Carlos nor I will make a decision on it.  We may
> voice
> > our opinions, but it will be up to everyone else reading this email list
> > and maybe responding to twitter posts to make it clear which ideas are
> most
> > popular.  And then, since Prominic or Justin Hill is paying, ultimately
> it
> > is his call which ones to actually pay.  We want whatever he pays for to
> > have a return on investment for him so he has money to pay for more work.
> > And the same goes for anyone else who can make a generous offer similar
> to
> > Justin Hill's.
> >
> > And similarly, without bosses and only individuals...
> >
> > 6) Apache projects generally don't have schedules/deadlines/roadmaps.
> > There is no one in the project who can fire you for not making your
> > deadline.  We want to encourage folks to contribute even in their spare
> > time.  So Apache projects generally don't manage detailed schedules like
> > you've probably experienced in other jobs.  We have general goals, like
> > there is general consensus to get to a 1.0 as soon as possible, but we
> > can't set a date and manage towards it since there is no manager.  We can
> > shoot for a date, but if we don't make it, we don't make it.  Now if some
> > business or individual REALLY needs to hit a date, they can pay folks to
> > try to get more work done by that date.  But Apache and the project
> itself
> > can't dictate to others what to do by what day.  Or even what features
> are
> > in or out.  If someone wants to contribute something that is important to
> > them but not to anybody else, it will go in based on its technical merit,
> > not some strategy document.  And that is to everyone's benefit.  If
> you've
> > ever posted a bug report or feature request to some provider hoping it
> will
> > be in their next release, then you can see the benefit of the Apache
> > model.  At Apache, you can fix the bug or implement the feature yourself
> > and if you've earned committer rights, it is in the next release.  Or pay
> > someone to fix the bug or implement the feature.  Nobody can tell you
> > otherwise (unless it creates a conflict for someone else).
> >
> > Oh, and one more thing...
> >
> > 7) Apache is a non-profit so it cannot do certain kinds of marketing.
> > However, individuals and business can, just not on the project's web
> > presence.  So factual comparison tables are probably ok on the Royale
> site,
> > but once you get into opinions, that is best left for individuals and
> > business to explain on their blogs and web presence why they chose Royale
> > over some other technology.
> >
> > So, in the end, Justin's email and future emails from others like this
> > should read more like below.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > -Alex
> >
> > -------------
> >
> > Subject: [JOB] Prominic hiring contractors to bring Apache Royale to
> > version 1.0
> >
> >    Royale helps modernize Flex applications AND provides a great
> > alternative
> >    to revitalize the next generation Flex ecosystem as a viable
> > alternative to
> >    Javascript solutions such as React, Angular, and Vue.
> >
> >    Get paid to help bring Apache Royale to version 1.0!
> >
> >    Prominic is the company developing the Moonshine IDE for Flex and
> > Royale.
> >    Prominic is willing to pay developers to help bring Royale to market
> as
> > 1.0.  To apply:
> >
> >    1) join the dev@royale.apache.org mailing list
> >
> >    2) review the recent discussions on what needs to be fixed on Nabble:
> >
> >
> https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fapache-royale-development.20373.n8.nabble.com&amp;data=02%7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.com%7Cfc2244e2b6984cf86aa608d6ccc9c75a%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C636921564340786626&amp;sdata=gC1rfZiIcxvWM9NePG0GdsjNl6iFMkmKfbdrcn7vQK8%3D&amp;reserved=0
> > <
> https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fapache-royale-development.20373.n8.nabble.com&data=02%7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.com%7Cfc2244e2b6984cf86aa608d6ccc9c75a%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C636921564340786626&sdata=gC1rfZiIcxvWM9NePG0GdsjNl6iFMkmKfbdrcn7vQK8%3D&reserved=0
> >
> >
> >    3) Submit to the dev@royale.apache.org mailing list your bid for
> > assistance
> >    to the group by Friday May 3
> >
> >    The Moonshine-IDE.com team is willing to donate $2,500 USD in total
> over
> >    the next 30 days to anyone who can accomplish agreed upon tasks
> >    to help Royale release a 1.0 version.
> >
> >    IF you who are willing to step up to the plate immediately (with a
> >    deliverable no later than May 26, 2019) to help with:
> >
> >    * documentation (ASDoc style)
> >
> >    * examples (code snippets that do things like Tour de Royale)
> >
> >    * tutorials (well written, friendly, understandable, educational
> > material)
> >
> >    * a mini reproduction of the aforementioned Flex In a Week Series
> (great
> >    idea!)
> >
> >
> https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.adobe.com%2Fdevnet%2Fflex%2Fvideotraining.html&amp;data=02%7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.com%7Cfc2244e2b6984cf86aa608d6ccc9c75a%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C636921564340786626&amp;sdata=ehetZFgS6Tn9fR0PbFGjKh2yILbeKnKKhfV8ChhM9SA%3D&amp;reserved=0
> > <
> https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.adobe.com%2Fdevnet%2Fflex%2Fvideotraining.html&data=02%7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.com%7Cfc2244e2b6984cf86aa608d6ccc9c75a%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C636921564340786626&sdata=ehetZFgS6Tn9fR0PbFGjKh2yILbeKnKKhfV8ChhM9SA%3D&reserved=0
> >
> >
> >    * build automation
> >
> >    * automated test cases
> >
> >    * creation of a summary comparison table showing Royale relative to
> > React,
> >    Vue, Angular
> >
> >    * a longer write up of competitive articles detailed why Royale is
> >    important.  BTW, one reason it can be important is because it is NOT
> >    controlled by giant companies.
> >
> >    * a directory of consultants for hire:
> >
> >    * OR anything else you would want to see in a 1.0 version of Royale
> >
> >    THEN
> >
> >    Please submit to this public group your commitment and cost.
> >
> >    We will then do this democratically:
> >    deadline for bid submissions is 7 days from now -- Friday May 3.
> Folks
> > on this mailing list should offer their thoughts and opinions on the
> bids.
> >    Carlos (or someone who knows Twitter enough to create another poll)
> will
> >    then do another Twitter vote poll for 3 days to see what folks think
> of
> > the various proposals.  Prominic alone will decide which bids it will pay
> > for taking into consideration the discussion threads.
> >
> >
> >
> >    Ideally multiple people will commit to doing something "small" for
> $500
> >    each and Prominic can award 5 people the projects.
> >
> >    The $2,500 USD total will be paid via PayPal.  No exceptions.
> >
> >    Please note that the work you do may not be accepted into the project
> > repos.  If your work is not accepted, Prominic will work with you and the
> > project on next steps.  Your work may end up on the Moonshine-IDE site or
> > other places.  Prominic cannot dictate production deadlines for an Apache
> > project so If the 30 day and 60 day deadlines are not met, Prominic
> > reserves the right to change the offer or its deadlines.  Prominic is not
> > the only business entity involved with Royale and encourages other
> business
> > entities to make similar offers to help Royale mature to be your solution
> > for building applications for web/mobile/desktop.
> >
> >    IF within 30 days Apache Royale 1.0 is released to the public then the
> >    Moonshine-IDE.com team will again donate $2,500 for the month of June
> > in an
> >    identical voting scenario (assuming this one works well) to bring
> home a
> >    1.1 release.
> >
> >
> >    By 60 days from now, a new user who has never seen Royale before or
> >    programmed in ActionScript should be able to:
> >    1) Arrive at the Apache Royale web page
> >
> >    2) Understand from the home page why they should care about the
> project
> > if
> >    they come from React, Vue, Angular, Flex, or ActionScript worlds
> >
> >    3) Be able to within 5 mouse clicks (download button, install button,
> >    launch button, build button, run button) go from having nothing on
> their
> >    machine to having an IDE (we of course volunteer Moonshine but Visual
> >    Studio Code should be a goal for this, too) on their machine with a
> >    successful build of their first "hello world".  No command line
> > nonsense.
> >    No learning NPM, Git, downloading 20 required packages.   See Royale
> >    website.  Want to try it.  5 clicks later build your Hello World.
> >
> >    If the above 3 goals are met, then the Moonshine-IDE.com team will
> run a
> >    3rd donation round of $2,500 for the month of July in a manner to the
> >    description above to bring home a 1.2 release, to be published no
> later
> >    than the end of July 2019 for the awards to be paid.
> >
> >
> >    Hopefully this helps motivate the team.
> >
> >    Thank you,
> >
> >    Justin Hill
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Piotr Zarzycki
> Patreon: *https://www.patreon.com/piotrzarzycki
> <https://www.patreon.com/piotrzarzycki>*

Carlos Rovira

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