Hi Xiaochuan,

>> Do I need to upgrade Kafka and/or YARN?

*Yarn version:*

   - Samza 0.12 supports Yarn 2.6.1 and 2.7.1.
   - If you already have 2.6.0 installed (as you have said), I believe you
   will be fine. (but I'm not sure)

*Kafka version: *

   - Samza 0.12 upgraded the version of Kafka to 0.10.
   - If your Kafka brokers are on an older version of Kafka, you should
   upgrade them to use at-least 0.10. Kafka clients are usually
   incompatible with older versions of brokers.

*Java version: *

   - Samza 0.12 binaries are compiled using Java 8.  Hence, they cannot be
   run on older versions of the Java run-time.

>> I'm extremely new to Samza in terms of operations aspect. I'm not sure
information would be relevant in this case so please ask away.

I'd first start by upgrading the Kafka brokers (assuming you're on Java 8+
Let us know how the migration goes!


On Fri, Mar 24, 2017 at 8:23 PM, XiaoChuan Yu <xiaochuan...@kik.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> What are the general steps for upgrading Samza from 0.9 to 0.12?
> Do I need to upgrade Kafka and/or YARN?
> I don't know how Samza was setup initially but we currently have the
> following setup:
> Samza version: 0.9.1
> YARN version: Hadoop 2.6.0-cdh5.4.8
> Kafka version:
> I think installation of Kafka and YARN were managed through Puppet.
> I'm extremely new to Samza in terms of operations aspect. I'm not sure what
> information would be relevant in this case so please ask away.
> Thanks,
> Xiaochuan Yu

Jagadish V,
Graduate Student,
Department of Computer Science,
Stanford University

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