> On Fri, 2007-08-17 at 09:34 +0200, Daniel Rentz wrote:
> [...]
>> I'd say first point is to implement/enable Ruby support in the Calc core
>> :-)
> And the first question may be - where should that extra ruby (phonetic
> guide) string be stored?  A couple of possibilities:
> 1) Store that in rtl::OUString.  Excel seems to embed the ruby data into
> strings, so this may ease the import/export from/to the Excel file
> format.  However, doing so will probably require refactoring of the ruby
> handling code in Writer and/or raise an eyebrow of the framework
> people. ;-)
-1. rtl::OUString is a general and wide-use class.

> 2) Store that in ScStringCell.  This may be easier but string cells are
> used a lot, and most likely only a faction of them use phonetic guides
> under normal use cases.  So, adding another data member to ScStringCell
> may not be desirable.
-1. I agree with you.

> 3) Store that as a cell attribute.  If I understand correctly, Writer
> uses this approach.
0. This solution seems correct, but "only a faction of them use phonetic
guides", so I am not really for this one.

> 4) Or maybe subclass ScStringCell to create ScRubyStringCell, and use an
> instance of that class to store the ruby text information when needed ?
> Just a wild idea, but could this work (maybe) ?
+1. It would not pollute any other class and could be transparent enough
for other parts of code.

> Any thoughts on this?
Well, there's already in OOo code Python, StarBasic and Java. Now I see
Ruby and R. I am starting to think (and hope) that there will be a day
when macros won't be limited to StarBasic but could be _natively_ in all
those languages. And yes, I know that you can already do that with
webservices and -headless mode, but it's not "human user compliant" yet.

My 2 cents,
Michel Loiseleur

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