Hi Takashi,

On Saturday, 2007-08-18 01:05:18 +0900, Takashi Nakamoto wrote:

> > 1) Store that in rtl::OUString.
> At the beginning of our project, this idea was the first choise, but
> now we think this implmentation might be very difficult and seek for
> better ideas.

I'd consider implementing ruby at OUString an abuse of OUString..
besides that it would be a completely incompatible change, it would
increase the size of an OUString instance, which in 99% use cases is
just waste.

> > 2) Store that in ScStringCell.  This may be easier but string cells are
> > used a lot, and most likely only a faction of them use phonetic guides
> > under normal use cases.  So, adding another data member to ScStringCell
> > may not be desirable.
> Now "Storing phonetic text in ScStringCell" is the first choise
> because it seems to be easier. I can understand your concerns but I
> wonder what concrete problems would be raised by this approach? I
> can't evaluate the bad effect of this idea correctly.

Memory consumption. Adding yet another member variable to ScStringCell
that again is only needed in not even 1% of use cases is waste.

> > 3) Store that as a cell attribute.  If I understand correctly, Writer
> > uses this approach.
> Related to this idea, I think storing phonetic text as one attribute
> of EditTextObject in ScEditCell is also a good idea. ScEditCell seems to
> be used to store decorated text in a cell. So we can deal with
> phonetix text as one attribute of a decoration attributes. It doesn't
> have any bad effect on ScStringCell. EditTextObject seems to be a
> common class, so we ought to craete newEditRubyTextObject class if
> this idea is accepted.
> However, through this change, most cells that just hold Japanese text
> would be instances of ScEditCell. This is a waste of memory.

Additionally, there's much overhead involved with an ScEditCell and its
EditEngine. Calculating with strings obtained from ScEditCell is
definitely slower than ScStringCell.

> > 4) Or maybe subclass ScStringCell to create ScRubyStringCell, and use an
> > instance of that class to store the ruby text information when needed ?
> > Just a wild idea, but could this work (maybe) ?
> I think this is not a good idea. It would make String type cell have
> 4 different classes, ScStringCell, ScRubyStringCell, ScEditCell,
> ScRubyEditCell.

If ruby was implemented at EditEngine we would end up with just 3:
ScStringCell, ScRubyStringCell, ScEditCell.

> Switching routine that choose one class from the four
> classes for creating an instance of a cell would be complex.

I don't think so. You need to distinguish anyway, and subclassing may
actually ease things because switching can be done internally using
factory patterns and RTTI.


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