Hi Wojciech,

nice work. I am happy to see the "About"-Dialog.

Now, I still have some issues / proposals. I don't think they will be solved 
until 3 o'clock (it would be great), but rather should be kept on the radar.


It is currently not possible to read strings from the spreadsheet (or am I 
making something wrong?).

IF indeed strings are not imported (because of coding issues), BUT only 
numerical values, then I have the following proposal:

 1. simple input: {#cell_range} as currently implemented
 2. strings: {s#cell_range} or {string#cell_range}
          or {(s)#cell_range), whatever fits the code best
 3. factors: {factor#cell_range} => read as 'as.factor(...)'
 4. data frame:
             {frame#cell_range} => read as  'data.frame(...}'
     - that is: use the strings stored in the column-header
       as the variable names (R takes usually care of invalid names)
     - this is especially useful to read large data-sets
B. I still have some issues with the PLOT command, i.e it crashes RServe. 
Though I haven't had time yet, to test if the 2nd method (importing the 
image-file) works.

Keep the good work,


x86, Win Xp SP 2 (with all updates)
R 2.4.1

> Hi everyone,
> >From an administrative point of view, I am supposed to stop working as a
> Google Summer of Code student today at 3 pm EST. As such, I've leased a
> new
> version of the package: 0.1.6, with links at
> http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/R_and_Calc
> First, I should say that I will continue working on this package and won't
> stop just because the Summer of Code period is over. :) However, I would
> be
> grateful for any advice about this new release prior to 3 pm, so I can
> make
> any changes before submitting this work for evaluation.
> Below are some comments to specific people, based on advice they gave last
> week.
> Eike -- this new version uses "make" rather than sh scripts... Please have
> a
> look at the makefile, because this was the first time I've actually coded
> in
> make. To make life easy for people using the package and those coding in
> it,
> I moved the Rserve clients (licensed under LGPL) into the package itself,
> giving appropriate credit and information where necessary. I also
> reorganized the code a bit to make life easy for anyone else working on
> the
> project.
> With regards to the bulky image embedding code, my apologies! I didn't
> realize there was a Calc tutorial for this already.
> Leo -- I implemented the Chi Square, Fisher Exact, Wilcox tests, and also
> the Kaplan-Meier curve. The other two (from the survival analysis package)
> will be harder to implement because there is currently no easy way to
> accept
> an unlimited amount of formula variables as inputs using the GUI windows.
> I
> will work on this, as well as dynamically setting array sizes (e.g.
> {$A1:A(length+1)} -- this is a pretty big change, so I wanted to fix some
> of
> the bugs and problems from version 0.1.5 before addressing this.
> I also created an "About" button in the "Advanced" sub menu which gives
> all
> sorts of diagnostic information. Please let me know if this works.
> Also, I think the problem with plotting had to do with where I stored the
> temporary image file... I changed this, so please let me know if it works
> for you! I tested the tool on Ubuntu, Fedora Core, and Windows XP and it
> worked in all cases, so I hope Windows 2K will also cooperate now.
> Again, comments are welcome! Thank you to all who have already sent them.
> Thanks,
> Wojciech

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