Hi Leonard,

On Wednesday, 2007-08-22 21:20:49 +0300, Leonard Mada wrote:

> >- The dialog txt files aren't found without strange CLASSPATH settings.
> >- On Windows, R doesn't seem to like the backslashes in the path to 
> >the jpeg file. Replacing them with forward slashes seems to work, I 
> >didn't check if it's supposed to be that way.
> Well, now that the culprit is found, I hope in a fast solution. One 
> small note with R:
> - on Windows, IF you want to use a path with '\'-slashes in R, you need 
> to escape the slashes, like: '\\'
> - R accepts the '/'-slashes on windows, too
> - I don't know IF one needs to additionally escape the '\'-slashes in 
> Rserve, too (like in some regexp's, having to write '\\\\' for a single 
> literal '\')

Usually path munging library functions on Windows consume '/' instead of
'\', even the ones shipped with MSVC. It's only command line arguments
that may confuse applications with '/' (e.g. dir c:/windows ) because
they take it for an option switch. IMHO, in a programmatical context
there shouldn't be need to use '\' in paths on Windows, so they can be
written transparently on all platforms.


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