Thanks, Frank.  Here is an update to the community development section:

How has the community developed since the last report?
    We are continuing to attract new committers.

    A NASA-sponsored project to build a cloud workflow for sea ice and ocean 
circulation data, in development at JPL, is adapting SDAP for its analytics 
platform.  Reference:  T. Huang, M. DeBellis, I. Fenty, P. Heimbach, J. C. 
Jacob, O. Wang, E. Yam, "Analytics Center Framework for Estimating the 
Circulation and Climate of the Ocean," 39th IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing 
Symposium, Jul-Aug 2019, doi: 10.1109/IGARSS.2019.8897904.



On 1/16/20, 9:38 AM, "Frank Greguska" <> wrote:

    Please review the report below. In particular please provide details for
    any presentations you've given on SDAP (@Joe Jacob? do you have anything to
    add there?)
    SDAP is an integrated data analytic framework for Big Science problems.
    SDAP has been incubating since 2017-10-22.
    Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
     1. Make official SDAP (Incubating) Release
     2. Improve committer participation
     3. Improve/create user guide documentation
    Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
    aware of?
    How has the community developed since the last report?
    We are continuing to attract new committers.
    How has the project developed since the last report?
    Development of a helm chart for use when deploying to kubernetes has been
    opened as a PR.
    Further development work has continued and existing installations are being
    How would you assess the podling's maturity?
    There are several deployments of SDAP actively being used and interest is
    high. However, active participation from project members is low. First
    source release should be coming soon.
    Please feel free to add your own commentary.
      [X] Initial setup
      [X] Working towards first release
      [X] Community building
      [ ] Nearing graduation
    Date of last release:
    When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?
    Maya Debellis was elected as a committer on 2019-02-08
    Have your mentors been helpful and responsive or are things falling
    through the cracks? In the latter case, please list any open issues
    that need to be addressed.
    Mentors are helpful and responsive.
      [ ](sdap) Jörn Kottmann
      [ ](sdap) Trevor Grant
      [ ](sdap) Lewis John McGibbney

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