On 10/21/07, Niall Pemberton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This is one class[1] and despite what the shale-tiles pom[2] declares,
> it doesn't relate to/depend on any other parts of shale - just JSF and
> Tiles. So it could just as easily be moved to the tiles TLP. Having
> said that, I suggested this a while ago and it was rejected then[3]

I think we were opposed to the idea of providing integration support for
every framework imaginable in the Tiles project. We might be open to rethink
some of that, at least providing some support in subprojects, etc. My
objection was that I didn't want to have to include dependencies to umpteen
frameworks just to implement an integration class. I would be open to the
idea of providing optional (Tiles) subprojects, etc. that "self-contained"
the dependencies, testing, etc. I'm starting to see that such support could
fall under the purview of the Tiles project.


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