I'm trying to clarify if appData is supposed to be shared or distinct across multiple instances of the same gadget(appId) for a given user (per the opensocial standard).
I have initially implemented appData and userPrefs as dinstinct per instance. Now I'm reading this wiki example and questioning that approach: http://wiki.opensocial.org/index.php?title=The_Persistence_API which describes an app that relies on exactly the opposite behavior... someone turns off a beep setting for a gadget in their own profile - then expects to reference that same setting when viewing the same gadget (app) when being viewed in another person's profile. That won't fly in my implementation. Conversely, if the person in that example puts two copies of that app on their profile, they have no way to configure them differently. So who's right? It's easy to go down one road or the other, but it would seem to be a core behavior that would be dictated by the spec. Have I missed it? Thanks Gregg