The way we've implemented it in our system is to have appData indexed
by (user, appId) and for userPrefs to be per-instance. So the
behaviour you describe, where appData is shared between two copies of
the app on their profile, is exactly how we've done it.

I must admit, though, that I can't for the life of me remember WHY I
implemented it that way, or have any reference as to the reasoning.



On 26 August 2010 05:13, Gregg Horan <> wrote:
> I'm trying to clarify if appData is supposed to be shared or distinct across 
> multiple instances of the same gadget(appId) for a given user (per the 
> opensocial standard).
> I have initially implemented appData and userPrefs as dinstinct per instance. 
>  Now I'm reading this wiki example and questioning that approach:
> which describes an app that relies on exactly the opposite behavior... 
> someone turns off a beep setting for a gadget in their own profile - then 
> expects to reference that same setting when viewing the same gadget (app) 
> when being viewed in another person's profile.  That won't fly in my 
> implementation.  Conversely, if the person in that example puts two copies of 
> that app on their profile, they have no way to configure them differently.  
> So who's right?
> It's easy to go down one road or the other, but it would seem to be a core 
> behavior that would be dictated by the spec.  Have I missed it?
> Thanks
> Gregg

Mat Mannion
Web Developer
IT Services
University of Warwick

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