On Tue, Jul 26, 2011 at 5:17 AM, Ciancetta, Jesse E. <jc...@mitre.org>wrote:

> >So with some research it looks like I'm supposed to be implementing my own
> >server module. Is that pretty much accurate?
> Yes -- you'll need to implement both the client side UI for editing
> preferences and the server side API for persisting them.  I actually just
> did that work though for the Apache Rave project last week so you can have a
> look at that implementation to see how it was done.  It isn't part of a Rave
> release yet though so to see it working you'll need to build and run from
> the latest source.  One thing to note is that it doesn't have the container
> side RPC hook implemented yet for the gadgets.Prefs API to use (so
> prefs.set(...) from within a gadget doesn't work yet) but that's pretty
> straightforward to implement -- we just haven't gotten to it yet.  If you
> have any questions about the implementation feel free to post them over on
> the rave-dev list - and if Rave looks useful to you please feel free to jump
> in and get involved with the project!
> One other thought -- you mentioned shindig-container.js in your last
> message -- I believe that is part of the older shindig sample container
> which is being replaced by the newer common container code.  Rave is using
> the common container code so you can look there for some insight into how
> we're using it.

Sweet, thanks! I'll have to give Rave a look.

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