>-----Original Message-----
>From: Ciancetta, Jesse E. [mailto:jc...@mitre.org]
>Sent: Wednesday, December 14, 2011 1:56 PM
>To: dev@shindig.apache.org
>Subject: RE: CommonContainer token refresh changes


>Here is a quick and simplified rundown of our rendering process:
>-- An HTTP request comes in to render a given page for a given user
>-- We fetch their page from the DB and then enumerate all of the gadgets on
>the page -- for each gadget we:
>++++ Mint a security token
>++++ Make a server-side call to shindig to fetch the gadget metadata
>-- We then embed all of the tokens/metadata into the HTTP response we
>send down to the client
>-- On the client side we initialize a common container object
>-- Push the pre-generated tokens and pre-fetched metadata into the
>container instance
>-- Enumerate each gadget and ask common container to render it
>-- Since common container already has a gadget token and metadata there is
>no need for any XHR calls back to shindig to fetch anything (and therefore no
>need for a container token)
>For gadget token refresh the XHR will be made from the container page back
>to the container application (which is all same domain XHR) and since the user
>is logged into the container application we know who they are and can
>generate updated security tokens for them.

It would be helpful for me to have a rough understanding of the rendering 
process others have in place as I work through the changes needed for getting 
moduleId's properly set in security tokens.  Would those using common container 
mind describing at a high level what their gadget rendering process is (similar 
to what I've done above for Rave)?

Also -- do other implementer's have the notion of a persistent gadget 
"instance" ID?  I'm pretty sure iGoogle does based on what I've seen in firebug 
but I'm not sure about others...

For example - in Rave a gadget "instance" is an instance of a specific gadget 
for a specific user.  To create that instance the user adds a gadget to their 
page -- and then no matter what the user does with that gadget from that point 
forward (like moving it to a different spot on the page, moving it to a 
different page entirely, ...) the ID of that gadget instance remains the same.  
That gadget instance ID is what we're using for the moduleId property in our 
security tokens.

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