> On 2011-12-19 18:23:54, Dan Dumont wrote:
> > So far I have 1 vote for splitting the update function into 2 parts (from 
> > Jesse), and 1 for leaving it as 1 function (from Henry, I think on the dev 
> > list).
> > 
> > Are there any other opinions on the matter?
> Ryan Baxter wrote:
>     I agree with Jesse on this one.  Splitting this up may help make this 
> more understandable.  I see your point about not having to set the token but 
> this can be made clear in the specification for the common container.  It 
> took me a little bit to figure out what was happening, and I am still not 
> sure I completely understand it all...
> Ryan Baxter wrote:
>     Just so it is clear, I don't think it will be the end of the world if we 
> don't have an separate set function.  I would really like to see more helper 
> functions.  We all have to read through the code to understand things in 
> Shindig and reading this code is kind of difficult, so anything we can do to 
> make it more strait forward would be good.
> Jesse Ciancetta wrote:
>     Agreed -- I think having two functions would make the implementation 
> simpler, which was actually another motivator for my comment about breaking 
> the function up in the first place (although I didn't call that out 
> explicitly, which I guess I probably should have).  It took me a while to 
> figure out what was going on in the current implementation too.
> Dan Dumont wrote:
>     I can see your point, but I disagree it would be simpler in the sense 
> that it would introduce more places for bugs to occur.
>     Again, I would rather clarify with comments on areas you found 
> particularly troubling.
>     From the standpoint of the API consumer it's fairly straight forward:
>     * I can call updateContainerSecurityToken(callback) and I will get a call 
> back when the token is updated.
>     * I can call updateContainerSecurityToken(callback, token, ttl) and get a 
> call back when the token is updated with the info i've provided.
>     The API is always async, and always behaves the same.  In either case, 
> the token is updated and is then scheduled for future updates.
>     From a maintenance point of view.   This impl is fairly small and well 
> contained and scoped.
>     There is a well defined helper function that handles the refresh.
>     And there's comments around when / why we may queue callbacks or run them 
> immediately.
>     I personally think that creating extra functions does not always simplify 
> things.
>     I'd rather not potentially duplicate code or logic for the sake of 
> avoiding non-recursive or difficult to understand functions.
>     If you do have questions or need more clarifications on certain parts of 
> the code, or think that a certain area is confusing, I can try my best to 
> make sure the comments there explain why we do what we are doing.
> Henry Saputra wrote:
>     More helper functions help if they do different functionalities. In this 
> case, doesnt really matter if the security token is actually newly created or 
> updated from caller point of view.
>     So I am +1 to keep it as one function.
> Jesse Ciancetta wrote:
>     I think it just comes down to a difference of style and opinion.  I was 
> just offering my opinion on what I thought might make things cleaner and 
> simpler -- I wasn't trying to say it had to be changed.
>     Like Ryan said -- I don't think it would be the end of the world to leave 
> it as is, so if that's what you choose to do its fine by me.

+1 for keeping it as one function.

I'm a bit late to the game here, but I can see the argument going both ways.  
However, at the end of the day I'd rather keep the CC APIs as simple as 
possible and I think keeping it as one function achieves that.  As long as the 
documentation is clear then I don't see an issue.

- Stanton

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On 2011-12-14 16:35:00, Dan Dumont wrote:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
> https://reviews.apache.org/r/3180/
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> (Updated 2011-12-14 16:35:00)
> Review request for shindig, Henry Saputra, Ryan Baxter, li xu, Jesse 
> Ciancetta, and Stanton Sievers.
> Summary
> -------
> Initial review of 1st change.  Allowing common container to manage container 
> token refreshes.  Also, refresh of gadget security tokens will now wait for 
> valid container security token before trying to refresh.
> Diffs
> -----
> http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/shindig/trunk/features/src/main/javascript/features/container/container.js
>  1213887 
> Diff: https://reviews.apache.org/r/3180/diff
> Testing
> -------
> Tested code in a private container with some examples of setting no refresh 
> (ttl = 0) and setting an initial token (if it was written by jsp page to 
> avoid transaction) etc..
> Thanks,
> Dan

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