If I had to guess that error is coming from RpcServlet.process.  But it
looks like you would only get that is your JSON was invalid.  I ran the
JSON in your email through a validator and it looks correct, so I am not
really sure.  You might want to set a breakpoint in RpcServlet.process and
see if you see anything else.

On Wed, Nov 14, 2012 at 8:42 AM, Martin Hoeller <mar...@xss.co.at> wrote:

> Hi!
> Some time ago I supplied a patch for a sample maven archetype [0]. Ryan
> mentioned that the archetype should rather use the common container
> instead of the actually used (obsolete) one.
> I'm now trying to convert the archetype to use shindigs common-container
> but I'm having some troubles...
> I use this code for loading gadgets:
> CommonContainer.preloadGadgets(gadgetUrls, function(result) {
>   for (var gadgetURL in result) {
>     if(!result[gadgetURL].error) {
>       window.buildGadget(result, gadgetURL);
>       curId++;
>     }
>   }
> });
> However, preloadGadgets does an RPC call for gadget metadata and receives
> a 400 BAD_REQUEST as result :(
> The content of the response is "Malformed JSON request."
> Debuging showed that this was the data posted to the RPC Servlet:
> [
>  {"method":"gadgets.metadata",
>   "id":"gadgets.metadata",
>   "params":
>   {
>     "ids": [ "http://localhost:8080/myFirstGadget.xml";,
>              "http://www.labpixies.com/campaigns/todo/todo.xml";],
>     "fields": ["iframeUrls",
>                "modulePrefs.*",
>                "needsTokenRefresh",
>                "userPrefs.*",
>                "views.preferredHeight",
>                "views.preferredWidth",
>                "expireTimeMs",
>                "responseTimeMs",
>                "rpcServiceIds",
>                "tokenTTL"],
>     "language":"de",
>     "country":"DE",
>     "userId":"@viewer",
>     "groupId":"@self"
>   }
>  }
> ]
> This data is generated by some shindig JavaScript code. Does anybody have
> any idea what I'm doing wrong? I just want to use common-container to
> display two gadgets. Can this be so hard?
> Many thanks in advance,
> - martin
> [0] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SHINDIG-1482

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