On 15 Nov 2012, Martin Hoeller wrote:
> On 15 Nov 2012, Martin Hoeller wrote:
> > On 14 Nov 2012, Ryan Baxter wrote:
> > 
> > > If I had to guess that error is coming from RpcServlet.process. But it
> > > looks like you would only get that is your JSON was invalid.  I ran the
> > > JSON in your email through a validator and it looks correct, so I am not
> > > really sure.  You might want to set a breakpoint in RpcServlet.process and
> > > see if you see anything else.
> > 
> > An exception is thrown in the first line of the RpcServlet.process method:
> > 
> >       JSONObject req = new JSONObject(body);
> > 
> > The message of the exception says
> > 
> > org.json.JSONException: A JSONObject text must begin with '{' at
> >  character 1 of [{"method":"gadgets.metadata","id":"gadgets.metadata",
> > "params" ... "groupId":"@self"}}]
> I did some more debugging and according to Firebug, the working
> example shipped with Shindig sends a request that is almost identical!
> So I'm confused why the RpcServlet can interpret the posted data
> one time while it cannot handle it another time with no significant
> change.
> Both requests have JSON data starting with '[{"method":...'.
> I'm still debuging and post back when I know more...

Ok, found the cause of the problem: the failing request was directed to
the wrong Servlet. It seems I was mixing up configurations from the
various examples I found and thus the request went to the RpcServlet
instead of to the JsonRpcsServlet.

Thanks for your help anyway,
- martin

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