Hi Jean,

Indeed we would like to use component instances as you outline. So far, I
have not found a way to derive the Kafka server id from the Slider
configuration. I checked on my cluster and I find 2 containers using the
same app_container_tag in the logs:

u'componentName': u'BROKER1',
 u'configurations': {u'BROKER-COMMON': {u'broker.id': u'1',
                     u'BROKER0': {u'broker.id': u'0'},
                     u'BROKER1': {u'broker.id': u'1'},
                     u'global': {u'app_container_id': u'container
                                 u'app_container_tag': u'1',


u'componentName': u'BROKER0',
 u'configurations': {u'BROKER-COMMON': {u'broker.id': u'0',
                     u'BROKER0': {u'broker.id': u'0'},
                     u'BROKER1': {u'broker.id': u'1'},
                     u'global': {u'app_container_id': u'container
                                 u'app_container_tag': u'1',

Any other ideas how to obtain the component instance index that works
across container failures?


On Mon, May 11, 2015 at 1:44 AM, Jean-Baptiste Note <jbn...@gmail.com>

> Hi Thomas,
> Thanks a lot for the updates you brought to the main Koya repository.
> I saw and can see you're still declaring a resource for each broker. This
> is painful as it means modifying your metainfo & possibly resource.json in
> case you want to grow your cluster, say beyond 10 machines :)
> Wouldn't it more logically fit into slider to declare one server.xml
> configuration, one resource type, and actually flex the application / play
> with the instance # to grow it ?
> I saw from Gour's comment that you were concerned about unique id
> generation. Maybe using the app_container_tag would be a good starting
> point ?
> For what it's worth, it seemed to work out properly for me.
> Kind regards,
> JB

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