Felix Meschberger wrote:
> Well, this is actually handled by the bnd library used by the
> maven-bundle-plugin: This extracts the necessairy versions to create the
> Import-Package statements correctly from the referred to libraries.
> So, if you -- as suggested before -- always refer to the lowest version
> of the dependency which satisifies your need, you as a user of the API,
> are perfectly on the good side and don't need to worry.
> As long as you do not need new functionality, keep the existing
> dependency. Increase the dependency version if you need new
> functionality and have the bundle plugin/bnd library do the rest for you.
Yes, I think we should give this a try.

For the tooling there is the Apache Felix Sigil stuff for Eclipse -
which has some basic stuff in it, one could use - but it doesn't work
with Maven (yet).

But for most of our bundles this is trivial anyway as we usually have a
single exported package - the only "beast" is the api bundle, but I
guess we can manage this one.

Carsten Ziegeler

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