
As a first step: at least we can make sure bundles should run with 8 and 11 


On 2022/06/15 15:10:53 Konrad Windszus wrote:
> Hi,
> AFAIK all our Sling bundles still target Java 8. I think for major feature 
> updates we could increase this to Java 11 to leverage the newly introduced 
> features (https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/java-11-features-and-comparison/, 
> https://ondro.inginea.eu/index.php/new-features-in-java-versions-since-java-8/,
>  …)
> As official support (except for extended support) for Java 8 from Oracle has 
> expired 
> (https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/java-se-support-roadmap.html) I 
> think it is time now to do the shift.
> As in general we don’t maintain multiple parallel branches, this would 
> obviously have an impact on all consumers.
> Do you know of Sling bundle consumers who cannot update to Java 11 yet?
> Thanks for your input,
> Konrad

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