2011/11/23 Alexander Klimetschek <aklim...@adobe.com>:
> On 23.11.11 12:57, "Vidar Ramdal" <vidar.ram...@webstep.no> wrote:
>>2011/11/23 Tobias Bocanegra <tri...@adobe.com>:
>>> I would rather put effort in creating connectors in jackrabbit. So
>>> having a LDAP, noSQL, etc. mapped into JCR brings much more value and
>>> having them on the resource level.
>>Out of curiosity, for what reasons?
> Because all the infrastructure level things like ACLs (as in this
> discussion) won't have to be reinvented. The Sling resource API would
> evolve and become more complicated - and loose it's original purpose of a
> simple read oriented API, simpler than JCR in comparison. But not a
> standard.
> One of the goals of JCR was to provide unified access to data silos ;-) It
> might be a bit more work to implement JCR API parts (though the Jackrabbit
> and jcr-commons parts help a lot), but in the overall picture it provides
> more benefit IMO.
The Sling resource API is intented to provide full CRUD operations -
this has always been the case but we just haven't implemented
everything yet. And I think you're still missunderstanding this
proposal and what it is about.

In addition, like I mentioned it several times in the past weeks, we
need to grow the community and I really believe that we have a fair
change if we directly support other NoSQL solutions. We won't grow if
we just support Jackrabbit.

Anyways, what about comparing Vidar's LDAP implementation with a
different implementation leveraging JCR? We can then play around and
see what works and what's best.

Carsten Ziegeler

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