On 24.11.11 11:13, "Michael Dürig" <mdue...@apache.org> wrote:
>>Because all the infrastructure level things like ACLs (as in this
>> discussion) won't have to be reinvented. The Sling resource API would
>> evolve and become more complicated - and loose it's original purpose of
>> simple read oriented API, simpler than JCR in comparison. But not a
>> standard.
>While correct in general, this is a bit of wishful thinking however.
>Implementing a JCR connector (i.e. through the Jackrabbit SPI stack)
>which is more then CRUD is usually awfully hard.

Yes, I agree, that's why I mentioned it:

>>It might be a bit more work to implement JCR API parts (though the
>> and jcr-commons parts help a lot)

Still, this holds true:

>> but in the overall picture it provides more benefit IMO.

So we should make it easier to do things like that in Jackrabbit.

A custom AccessControlProvider (for one of the original use cases) should
not be difficult, it's a very simple interface IIRC.


Alexander Klimetschek
Developer // Adobe (Day) // Berlin - Basel

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