On 23.11.11 22:27, Alexander Klimetschek wrote:
On 23.11.11 12:57, "Vidar Ramdal"<vidar.ram...@webstep.no>  wrote:
2011/11/23 Tobias Bocanegra<tri...@adobe.com>:
I would rather put effort in creating connectors in jackrabbit. So
having a LDAP, noSQL, etc. mapped into JCR brings much more value and
having them on the resource level.

Out of curiosity, for what reasons?

Because all the infrastructure level things like ACLs (as in this
discussion) won't have to be reinvented. The Sling resource API would
evolve and become more complicated - and loose it's original purpose of a
simple read oriented API, simpler than JCR in comparison. But not a

While correct in general, this is a bit of wishful thinking however. Implementing a JCR connector (i.e. through the Jackrabbit SPI stack) which is more then CRUD is usually awfully hard.


One of the goals of JCR was to provide unified access to data silos ;-) It
might be a bit more work to implement JCR API parts (though the Jackrabbit
and jcr-commons parts help a lot), but in the overall picture it provides
more benefit IMO.


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