
Sorry to chime in late,

Am 02.02.2012 um 09:02 schrieb Carsten Ziegeler:

>>> I think some time ago Felix was working on a prototype for this. Not
>>> sure what the status is.
>>> But that's definitely something we should do in Sling rather sooner than 
>>> later.
>> I'd be interested in seeing this come to Sling, and could start do to
>> some work on it - at least slowly, piece by piece.
> Great!
>> If we could find
>> any references to Felix' prototype, I could start from there.
> Yes :) Or we can start from scratch - I think as a first step we could
> copy the jcr resource bundle to the whiteboard and start from there.

Unfortunately I don't have anything code-wise. I once started to separate the 
ResourceResolverFactory and ResourceResolver part from the JCR part but I 
didn't come very far (and I fear I lost my work)...

The basic idea, really is to split the JCR Resource bundle in a 
ResourceResolverFactory bundle and a JCR Resource Provider bundle (also 
providing the JCR Event to OSGi Event bridge)

The Domain Mapping functionality would be part of the ResourceResolverFactory 
bundle but would probably have a new exposed service API to plug into it. Such 
that for example Vanity URL functionality could in fact be factored out into 
another bundle.

And yes, this would definitely be something I would be interested in.

Could this work be started in a whiteboard location ?


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