2012/2/2 Vidar Ramdal <vidar.ram...@webstep.no>:
>>>>> I think some time ago Felix was working on a prototype for this. Not
>>>>> sure what the status is.
>>>>> But that's definitely something we should do in Sling rather sooner than 
>>>>> later.
>>>> I'd be interested in seeing this come to Sling, and could start do to
>>>> some work on it - at least slowly, piece by piece.
>> Am 02.02.2012 um 09:02 schrieb Carsten Ziegeler:
>>> Great!
>>>> If we could find any references to Felix' prototype, I could start from 
>>>> there.
>>> Yes :) Or we can start from scratch - I think as a first step we could
>>> copy the jcr resource bundle to the whiteboard and start from there.
> 2012/2/2 Felix Meschberger <fmesc...@adobe.com>:
>> Unfortunately I don't have anything code-wise. I once started to separate 
>> the ResourceResolverFactory and ResourceResolver part from the JCR part but 
>> I didn't come very far (and I fear I lost my work)...
>> The basic idea, really is to split the JCR Resource bundle in a 
>> ResourceResolverFactory bundle and a JCR Resource Provider bundle (also 
>> providing the JCR Event to OSGi Event bridge)
>> The Domain Mapping functionality would be part of the 
>> ResourceResolverFactory bundle but would probably have a new exposed service 
>> API to plug into it. Such that for example Vanity URL functionality could in 
>> fact be factored out into another bundle.
> Sounds good. Maybe we also get to solve SLING-2076 [1] as a side-effect :)
>> And yes, this would definitely be something I would be interested in.
>> Could this work be started in a whiteboard location ?
> I created 
> https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/sling/whiteboard/resourceresolverfactory
> for this - will start by copying in the current jcr/resource bundle.
> Unfortunately I don't get to do any Sling work in my current job, so
> don't expect any rapid progress on my part. Anyone interested, please
> join :)

Created https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SLING-2396 to track this.

Vidar S. Ramdal <vidar.ram...@webstep.no>
Webstep AS - http://www.webstep.no
Besøksadresse: Lilleakerveien 8, 0283 Oslo
Postadresse: Postboks 272 Lilleaker, 0216 Oslo

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