On Sun, 2013-06-02 at 10:53 -0700, Ruben Reusser wrote:
> I was trying to dumb down the example with 'content', however, in the CQ 
> world there are a couple of areas where the tool comes with an editor 
> for certain functionalities, for example workflows. While I can manage 
> them in XML, it would be much nicer to manage them in CQ (or in the IDE, 
> maybe through a hook that allows me to manage them in the repository and 
> then at save bring the generated structure back to the IDE).
> Also, editing the XML's in an IDE has a couple of shortcomings due to 
> the fact that the XML structure currently used is very finicky and does 
> not allow for a DTD for example. This makes it IMHO pretty hard to 
> manage the structures in an IDE. (for example, list of child nodes has 
> to be at the end of the .content.xml file, can't be in the beginning and 
> the xml tag names are used to drive the node names in the repository, 
> not allowing a clear validation of the options).

Agreed on all the above points. IMO 'Edit in Sling/CQ, then pull into
the IDE workspace' is a required operation. FWIW, it's currently
implemented in Slingclipse, although it doesn't work in all situations.


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