> I have found Sling -> FS auto syncing useful for several reasons.
> 1. The IDE lets me know if files in the repo are being changed, with the
> message, '....do you want to reload this file.'
> 2. When I do a svn status, or git status I know I am looking at an exact
> copy of what I just tested.
> 3. Because of 1 and 2 I can be certain that what I am editing is what I am
> testing and the repo:
> a) Hasn't mysteriously branched.
> b) Hasn't overwritten the change I just made with one of its own. (try one
> way sync to experience this, its very frustrating until you work out whats
> happening)
> 4. I can load things into the repo and have them appear in the IDE.
> But I dont want to steer this thread if the intention was for tooling that
> would only work if everything is done in the IDE.

I agree that we must allow developers to sync repository -> IDE
workspace. I believe that this must be under the developer's control all
the time nevertheless.

A visual paradigm that Eclipse uses is the Synchronize view [1] , which
is something we can build upon. For IntelliJ we should use what makes
most sense in its visual paradigm.

IMO this action should be manually triggered.


[1]: http://imgur.com/Zht175G

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