As our api is in the api bundle, well api it is :)

The package version will be 2.2.0 as this is adding new api


2013/9/5 Bertrand Delacretaz <>

> On Thursday, September 5, 2013, Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
> > If you need to know the language, can't we pass this as a string into the
> > service?...
> It's not only the language, some other ScriptEngineFactory metadata such as
> is used.
> Now, where should that new service interface go, scripting.api bundle or
> scripting.core?
> I'd say scripting.api, and we bump the API package's version to 2.1.1 (from
> the current 2.1.0).
> -Bertrand

Carsten Ziegeler

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