Is configuration part of application content or system content or both?

I can see that in a clustered environment you might want to have
configuration shared centrally amongst many versions of the running
application, but you might also need configuration local to a running
version, so that upgrades don't require all running instances to be
taken offline.

Best Regards

On 18 August 2014 10:12, Bertrand Delacretaz <bdelacre...@apache.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm working on various experiments (like [1]) related to continuous
> deployment with Sling, and having a clearer definition of the various
> roles of the content that a typical Sling applications manages would
> help. I'm saying "roles" instead of "types" on purpose, to avoid
> confusion with Content-Type ;-)
> There's a lot of ties between this and our recent discussions about
> multi-tenancy, so refining this tentative list of roles might help for
> that as well.
> Does this list fit with your use cases? Do people see other roles?
> My context is a number of Sling instances sharing a common content repository.
> Deliverable content:
> Displayed on a website or mobile app for example.
> Can be global, shared between a group of tenants or tenant-specific.
> System content:
> Defines how a specific version of the system behaves.
> Multiple system versions can coexist in a shared content repository
> (as we demonstrated in [1], in a limited way)
> Application content:
> Extensions or overrides of system content, that modify how the system behaves.
> Usually tenant-specific, or maybe shared between a group of tenants
> Module state content:
> The typical example is workflow models and state, which is not
> deliverable but persistent and might be partially shared.
> Instance-specific transient content:
> Transient content that's relevant to a single Sling instance. Compiled
> scripts, for example.
> Not needed when the Sling instance starts.
> -Bertrand
> [1] https://github.com/ArtyomStetsenko/sling-devops-experiments

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