hello justin.

i understand you concerns and see what you are pointing at. i hit the problem 
as well at the same time wanting to have single valuemap with all parameters 
and application separation or parameter names. i'm open to removing the 
parameter<> stuff from the main API, it can always added as a layer on-top.

but carsten introduced a new idea, lets discuss this first.


>-----Original Message-----
>From: justinedel...@gmail.com [mailto:justinedel...@gmail.com] On Behalf Of
>Justin Edelson
>Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2014 2:50 AM
>To: dev@sling.apache.org
>Subject: Re: FW: [PROPOSAL] Context-specific configuration for Apache Sling,
>Hi Stefan,
>To me, this sounds a bit schizophrenic - you're saying that the
>preferred way is to use a Parameter object, but that we need to
>support String-based lookup. And I'm not actually sure what "which
>type belongs to which string constant" actually means.
>Above all, this seems to create a confusing API. Since the expectation
>is that String-based lookups will work consistently, there's
>effectively no way to use the extra data within the Parameter object
>inside the lookup mechanism. For example, you mentioned the idea of
>using the application ID from the Parameter object as a way of
>expressing scope. But of course, this can't actually happen because
>there would be no way to do this with just Strings.
>I also personally find the setting of the default at the Parameter
>level a bit confusing. IME, defaults are *very* context-sensitive,
>whereas (if I understand) the Parameter objects are meant to be used
>All of which is to say that I would rather see the API have a clean
>separation between configuration lookup (which can be done purely with
>Strings) and Parameter definition. Or, to put in AEM terms, separate
>the functionality common to author & publish (configuration lookup)
>from the author-side functionality (parameter defintion which leads to
>At this point, Configuration just becomes Map<String, ValueMap>. The
>keys are are the application IDs and the resulting maps are the actual
>configurations for that application (which frankly I'd rather see
>called 'component' but that's neither here nor there). The only
>deviation I'd suggest from normal Map behavior is that
>config.get("non-existing-application-id") should return an empty
>ValueMap. This would allow you to do null-safe chaining, e.g.
>config.get("foo").get("bar") could return null, but never throw an NPE
>(unless config itself is null)
>If developers choose to adopt the Parameter objects, that's fine.
>Perhaps we even should have a utility method
>ConfigurationUtils.get(config, param) which calls
>param.getType()) But this is an optional step and the use of Parameter
>objects isn't implied by the Configuration API.
>On Tue, Oct 14, 2014 at 6:58 PM, Stefan Seifert <sseif...@pro-vision.de>
>> hello justin.
>> yes, this is my expectation for the java code. if you only provide a string-
>based access to configuration parameter every developer will start to create a
>"NameConstants" class to define the much-used property names (or you will
>provide such a class as part of your applications API). then the developer has
>to remember which type belongs to which string constant. then you have to find
>a way where you define the default values of a parameter, and describe its
>edit mode capabilities. all this is covered by building a structured parameter
>definition. but yes, it started as a simple helper class with constants to
>easy access all existing parameters of an application.
>> as a bonus there is an abstract implementation of the "ParameterProvider"
>interface which just reads the static fields of such a class and provides the
>defined parameters as OSGi service to the config infrastructure.
>> you still need the string-based (or map-based) access for usecases like
>sightly templates where it is not so easy or uncommon to use constants for
>accessing map values. but in our experience the parameters are used in most
>cases in the java business logic behind the presentation layer, not in the
>presentation layer (scripts) itself. and of course the lazy developers can use
>this access at well in java code...
>> stefan
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: justinedel...@gmail.com [mailto:justinedel...@gmail.com] On Behalf Of
>>>Justin Edelson
>>>Sent: Tuesday, October 14, 2014 11:32 PM
>>>To: dev@sling.apache.org
>>>Subject: Re: FW: [PROPOSAL] Context-specific configuration for Apache Sling,
>>>Hi Stefan,
>>>Thanks for clarifying. So is it accurate to say that your expectation
>>>that the *vast* majority of clients to use a strongly-typed Parameter
>>>object rather than doing a simple String lookup?
>>>To me, this seems very heavyweight, but maybe I am being short sighted
>>>(or lazy).
>>>But on the other hand, if you expect clients to use Paramter objects,
>>>why support String lookup at all?

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