
On Sat, 2017-09-30 at 12:09 +0200, Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
> Hi,
> we discussed last week at the hackathon a little bit on how to
> improve
> our site. With the move to git and the new system it should be
> easier.
> Looking at the main site, there is a lot of stuff there which we
> probably shouldn't have.
> News/Releases
> The "news" section is more or less just listing releases, so we can
> move
> this to a separate "releases" page. We can then decide whether we can
> come up with real news like once or twice a month. For example we
> could
> have mentioned adaptTo there etc.

+1, not sure how relevant this is for site visitors.

> History
> The history section is nice for us, but I guess everyone new to Sling
> does not find any value in this. So we should move this to a separate
> history page, and maybe add a little bit there. Or we add this simply
> as
> the oldest entries of the news page and avoid having a new page no
> one
> really looks at.

+1 for moving out of the main page. People curious about history will
look for it.
> Use Cases
> Again I'm not sure about the value for new users. So rather removing
> it
> or moving it to a use cases page.

I'd say drop it completely and link to a page of applications built on
top of Sling - commercial and open source. Rather than tell our users
what they can do, let's show them :-)

Maybe also include the Sling samples here.

> References
> I think we confuse people with listing all this different parts on
> the
> front page. So removing it and moving it to a references page might
> be
> better.


> This would keep our main page fairly short and we just need to
> improve
> the introduction "Sling in 100 words"

+1. Let's just find a volunteer :-)


> Regards
> Carsten

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