On Wed, Oct 4, 2017 at 8:34 AM, Bertrand Delacretaz
<bdelacre...@apache.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> On Sat, Sep 30, 2017 at 12:09 PM, Carsten Ziegeler <cziege...@apache.org> 
> wrote:
>> ...This would keep our main page fairly short and we just need to improve
>> the introduction "Sling in 100 words"..
> Here's my draft, feel free to tweak:
> Apache Sling is a REST-based Web framework based on a hierarchical
> content tree. It maps incoming URLs to content resources in a simple
> and powerful way, based on the request's path, extension and optional
> selectors, fostering clean and meaningful URLs. Request processing is
> based on dynamically loaded scripts or Java servlets, with convention
> over configuration making it very simple to start with generic
> processing and gradually refine it during development. The very
> modular nature of Sling means you can replace most of its
> functionality by your own variants as needed, and easily build
> specialized server instances with just what you need.
> Sling is used as the basis for some industrial strength content
> management systems, where the simplicity and robustness of its core
> shine.
> -Bertrand

I think this is a very good start. I do have a couple of remarks namely,

1. I think it is important that we mention that request processing is
based on the resource. To me, these two things: resource selection via
the url and selecting the processing based on the resource is what
makes Sling special.

2. I'm not in love with: REST-_based_ Web framework _based_ on a
hierarchical content tree. I think we should avoid the repetition of _
based_, make it clear that we are talking about applications developed
_with_ Sling have those properties (rather than Sling itself) , and
maybe somehow make this a little more catchy (and mention that the
tree is extensible).

3. It is more than 100 words :-)

Overall, I'm happy to go with it unchanged - i.e., feel free to ignore
whatever I just said. However, I did try to quickly wordsmith it a
little (and shorten it to be a "wc -w" == 100) - maybe there is
something useful in there:

Apache Sling is a framework for RESTful web-applications based on an
extensible content tree.

In a nutshell, Sling maps URL requests to resources based on the
request's path, extension and selectors. Using convention over
configuration, request processing itself is based on scripts and
servlets selected based on a given resource. Together, this enables
meaningful URLs and resource driven request processing while the
modular nature of Sling allows for specialized server instances that
include only what is needed.

Sling serves as basis for a variety of applications - ranging from
blogging engines all the way to industrial strength content management



Karl Pauls

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