A couple thoughts from my end:

   - Integration with Apache OpenWisk
   - expose Apache Sling content and output via dedicated endpoints and
      - Add an integration layer for jobs to be invoked from Sling and
      completed in OpenWisk
      - Cleanup of the Rewriter, providing a HTML 5 pipeline
   - Security features -- try to make it easier to make a "default"
   installation of Sling secure:
      - Login failure lockout
      - Filter selectors / suffixes
      - Deduplicate slashes

On Tue, Oct 23, 2018 at 10:30 AM Robert Munteanu <romb...@apache.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> Now that Sling 11 is out, we should be thinking about Sling 12 already
> :-) .
> Each Sling release brings in hundreds of individual changes in the form
> of bug fixes and incremental improvements. On top of that, we also have
> major features or themes for the release, such as:
> * updating to OSGi R7 (Sling 11)
> * Github migration (~Sling 10)
> * Refreshing the default ACL setup (Sling 11)
> * Enhanced Java 9+ support (Sling 10,11)
> I think it would be an interesting and worthwhile exercise to see what
> various contributors would like to see as the major themes of Sling 12.
> So, fire away :-)
> Thanks,
> Robert

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