
for a normal feature build it is not required to have the DependencyLifecycleParticipant, that's why your build works. For additional functionality like using the mvn versions plugin etc t is required.

And you're correct that any changes to features after the DependencyLifecycleParticipant has run are not picked up.

One main one reason for the current way of doing things was actually the mvn versions plugin. However, the feature plugin has now a similar functionality.

The other reason is to use feature files to define dependencies for a java project. So instead of listing all your dependencies in the pom, you can simply reference a feature file and through the DependencyLifecycleParticipant these are added as dependencies to your project. This is very useful for bundle development as well as for developing small applications where you take a base stack defined as a feature and just add another bundle. I don't want to loose that functionality.

We can solve the "mvn clean" problem by just moving the check to the mojos. Each mojo calls already a central method that verifies if the DependencyLifecycleParticipant has run and if we move the "no features found" check there, that problem is solved.

I understand that the converter use case is a different one, in that case you probably don't need a DependencyLifecycleParticipant at all.

I think we already have a configuration for whether the DependencyLifecycleParticipant is adding the artifacts from feature files to the maven project as dependencies. We could now defer all the functionality of the DependencyLifecycleParticipant to the first mojo if that flag is turned off.




Andreas Schaefer wrote
Hi Carsten

There are a few issues with the current way the plugin works:

1. If for whatever reason the features folder does not contain any features 
then a ‘mvn clean’ will fail. That check should be moved to a Mojo that 
requires a feature file and not being done for all Mojos
2. The DependencyLifecycleParticipant has a state which means that changes to 
features after the loading of the project is not reflected in that state 
meaning that when I generate feature files (CQ / PM converter) then it will not 
be considered by the feature Mojos (I did not do a thorough investigation so I 
might be wrong)
3. All the tests and a full Sling / Peregrine CMS conversion (9 CP packages), 
built and launch worked just fine for me.

I do not think the converter runs too late but it runs within the confines of 
the plugin meaning the DependencyLifecycleParticipant is fire ahead of the 
converters invocation. This is the firing sequence:
- Convert Sling PM to FM
- Convert Peregrine CMS CP to FM
- Aggregate FMs
- Attach FMs
- Analyze FMs

BTW there is also the issue that the ‘slingosgifeature’ packaging / our Plugin 
does not copy resource to the target. This is normally not a problem but I need 
to add a static FM (jcr packageinit) to the converted FMs to make Sling launch. 
I think it would be best to support copying resources and look for features in 
the /target folder instead.

Cheers - Andy

On Jul 22, 2019, at 12:28 AM, Carsten Ziegeler <cziege...@apache.org> wrote:


moving this code out of the DependencyLifecycleParticipant will break some 
functionality. A DependencyLifecycleParticipant is run *before* any mojos and 
allwos to add dependencies to projects. We use this to add the artifacts from 
the feature files as dependencies to the maven project in order to use mavens 
dependency mechanism. For example this allows to use mavens mechanism to check 
for updates of artifacts etc.

If we speak about the converter, I guess the problem is that the converter runs 
too late. So maybe we should rather fix that?



Andreas Schaefer wrote
I found a solution by moving the code into the Mojos. The entire code is now 
And all Mojos interested can call them at the beginning of the execute() method.
This way my Mojo can work w/o any features present and w/o having issues during 
the different phases and goals.
Let me know if that is an acceptable solution.
Cheers - Andy Schaefer
On Jul 16, 2019, at 7:50 AM, Andreas Schaefer <schaef...@me.com.INVALID> wrote:

Hi Simone

I ran into a snafu with the Sling Feature Maven Plugin. This plugin is doing a 
blank check during the initialization phase which is causing headaches for the 
CP Converter goal.

There are various issues but the most glaring is the fact that when I use 
placeholders in the FM id like "${project.groupId}” then it will fail to even 
clean the project with ‘mvn clean’ or when there is no feature at all.

Can we either disable these tests or move them in the respective Mojos (phase) ?

Cheers - Andy Schaefer
Carsten Ziegeler
Adobe Research Switzerland

Carsten Ziegeler
Adobe Research Switzerland

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