So it seems you are suggestion, that if someone wants to build a Sling application, you clone/fork the feature-starter project, add your own feature models and build the project, right? So this is kind of a template for an own application project.

Lets assume we go this route, how would we change the current sling-starter project, which is the demo application we have?


On 20.01.2020 07:05, Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
Can you explain a little bit more how this works for users wanting to build an application?

Today, you can create your own maven project, add/import provisioning models and build a startable jar (and a webapp which we don't need to support for feature models right now). You can then use this jar without any tooling.


On 20.01.2020 01:58, Andreas Schaefer wrote:
As far as I see the 'sling-org-apache-sling-feature-starter’ this is not just a test but rather the official way to start Sling XX. It does have the option to add additional Feature Models (customer FMs) to the startup and we can also add startup scripts so that it can be launched as a Unix style service.

I am fine with both approaches but we should make a decision one way or the other.

- Andy

On Jan 19, 2020, at 3:13 AM, Carsten Ziegeler <> wrote:

Sorry for getting late to this, but is the slingstart-feature-maven-plugin also creating the startable jar?

While I suggested to create separate modules (which I continue to think is good), I'm a little bit worried about "org-apache-sling-feature-starter" - The current starter project is a demo setup for Sling, making it easy to try out and test Sling. Maybe it would be better to have the feature equivalent on the master branch of "sling-org-apache-sling-starter" and we move current master branch to a "provisioning-model" branch.


On 17.01.2020 17:41, Andreas Schaefer wrote:
This is a vote to promote the sling-org-apache-sling-feature-starter and sling-slingstart-feature-maven-plugin to their own Sling Module. This first module is the Feature Model counterpart of the sling-org-apache-sling-starter and will create an executable JAR file. The second is the counterpart of the sling-slingstart-maven-plugin which will start and stop a Sling Instance from a Maven run and is mostly used to run Integration Tests.
Sling Feature Starter:
1. Code Location: both are in the ‘sling-whiteboard’ under 'sling-org-apache-sling-feature-starter` folder
2. Proposed Github Repo name (I just added feature into the name):
- sling-org-apache-sling-feature-starter
3. Proposed artifact ids (group id:
Sling Start Feature Maven Plugin:
1. Code Location: both are in the ‘sling-whiteboard’ under 'sling-slingstart-feature-maven-plugin` folder
2. Proposed Github Repo names (I just added feature into the name):
- sling-slingstart-feature-maven-plugin
3. Proposed artifact ids (group id:
- slingstart-feature-maven-plugin
As requested by Carsten I created separate modules for the Feature counterparts. The modules work but the are not finished. The Sling Feature Starter is actually using the Sling Start Feature Maven Plugin to run the IT tests.
- Andy

Carsten Ziegeler
Adobe Research Switzerland

Carsten Ziegeler
Adobe Research Switzerland

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