
I think this is great and definitely needed. I like the proposal!

However (and this actually has little to do with your proposal) :) it raises the question of where/how we document things. At least parts are already covered in the feature documentation at:


and also in the git repo of the slingmaven-feature-plugin

I think we should avoid having duplicate documentation which clearly will get out of sync over time.

Usually there is some documentation in each git repo, that's true for the feature model, the launcher, the maven plugin and some of the extensions. This is close to the code where changes happen.

Then we also have a published website for the slingfeature maven plugin - which is a poor (and pure) reference of the mojos - the better documentation is again in the git readme.

And then we have our website with additional/overlapping documentation.

Now, I don't want to open a big box here and I don't want to block such great contributions, but it would be great if we can agree on a single place where to document these things.

My preference is to use the git repos of the modules and simply have links from the website to them. The other way round works for me, too but then we need to move the existing documentation and the whole process gets more complicated.


Am 17.06.2020 um 00:11 schrieb Gaston Gonzalez:
Hi All,

While working on the Sling Kickstart Launcher 
<https://github.com/apache/sling-org-apache-sling-kickstart>), Ruben Reusser, 
Andreas Schaefer and myself thought that the community might benefit from some 
additional documentation around the Feature Model.

We have a preliminary draft written as a series of how-to documents. There are 
a few how-tos that we'd like to add to the series, but would like some feedback 
first to help gauge interest.

PR: https://github.com/apache/sling-site/pull/48 
JIRA: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SLING-9522 

Here are some other how-to docs we're thinking of adding:

Feature Model JSON deep dive
Continue the Composite NodeStore example and demonstrate an application upgrade 
with the feature model
Feature Archive overview
Feature Model Launcher overview

Note: That the last two documents in the series currently fail during the Maven 
build due to SLING-9516.

Any and all feedback welcome.


Gaston Gonzalez
Senior Architect | www.headwire.com <http://www.headwire.com/>

Carsten Ziegeler
Adobe Research Switzerland

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