For the maven-plugins let us rely on the generated site (which evaluates 
javadoc and other metainformation already nicely) and allows to use MD for 
additional pages. 
I prefer that for maven-plugins over a big readme as generating the site is a 
no-brainer during the release and has a standard format every developer knows.


> On 17. Jun 2020, at 13:57, Carsten Ziegeler <> wrote:
> Thanks Bertrand,
> that definitely works for me - and is inline with my thoughts as well :)
> Regards
> Carsten
> Am 17.06.2020 um 11:00 schrieb Bertrand Delacretaz:
>> Hi,
>> On Wed, Jun 17, 2020 at 7:50 AM Carsten Ziegeler <> 
>> wrote:
>>> ...Now, I don't want to open a big box here and I don't want to block such
>>> great contributions, but it would be great if we can agree on a single
>>> place where to document these things...
>> Given the long history of our more than 300 modules I think it's fair
>> to admit that having some docs are on the website (mostly for the
>> older modules) and some in the corresponding Git repositories is fine.
>> IMO what's important is to make things discoverable - for the new
>> GraphQL modules for example I just added
>> yesterday to make them discoverable from the website (as a form of
>> "teaser page" for those modules) but the core docs are in Git, with
>> links in both directions so nothing gets missed.
>> On the other hand I added features to the servlet-helpers lately and
>> that's already documented at
>> so
>> I just expanded that page, with links between it and the repository
>> README to avoid duplication.
>> For other modules that consist of several or many repositories it can
>> make sense to have the overview documentation on the website, with the
>> module-specific details in Git and again strong links between all
>> parts of the docs.
>> In summary I suggest:
>> -Making sure everything is discoverable from
>> -Using sensible website tags to help navigation and discovery
>> -For new modules, in general, putting the detailed or module-specific
>> documentation in the Git repositories
>> -Using the website for overview/concept documentations when that makes sense
>> -Avoiding duplicated information, which might mean restructuring some
>> existing docs
>> -And especially making sure the right links are in place so that none
>> of this gets missed
>> would that work?
>> -Bertrand
> -- 
> --
> Carsten Ziegeler
> Adobe Research Switzerland

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