I've run into an issue with KNN vector queries and the Solr logs. The issue
is for large vectors you can end up with 20K+ of just vector data in the
logs. This is because each floating point value in the vector can take 20+
characters to express as a string. In our testing the log line is getting
truncated with "..." and the log is unusable. This truncation may be
something configurable in the logger as I'm not seeing code in Solr that
would truncate the log. But if this truncating behavior can't be rectified
I think we need to fix this or KNN vector queries are incompatible with our

Even if we can configure longer log records I think we need the ability to
specify parameters that we don't want to end up in the log.

Any thoughts? I'll create a jira issue shortly as well.

Joel Bernstein

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