I wouldn't term people who work at a particular company as <company name>
committers. I'm reasonably sure when folks contribute to the project they
wear their ASF hat. If they don't, they should.

Like most other features, this one also is a result of the need by users of
the project. I completely agree it's been experimental so far, and the
intent isn't to release it straight off in the shape it exists right now
but for the code to move first. The code is certainly good to be used
functionally at scale, but we need to clean it up and bring it up to follow
the best practices that we follow for the main repo. As someone who's been
involved with this actively, I can certainly say that there has been some
interest from the broader community. I hope those folks participate in this
conversation :)

As Houston and Mark said, this is a fairly simple and isolated code base.
There's an update request processor, and a standalone application just like
the Prometheus Exporter. I'd actually created this separate repository with
an intent to have independent release cycles but over the course of time I
am convinced that it would be more efficient and reasonable for this code
to not be a part of the sandbox. This doesn't affect Solr core in anyway
and would be an optional component that folks wouldn't even need to
download as we wouldn't include this in the slim distribution.

@Ishan - I hope that answers some of your questions. If not, we can perhaps
get on a quick call and discuss this.


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